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Mature! The one-hundred hit girl!

What's mature about Mature! (surely you saw that one coming).

100hits! I am writing this on the day that I recieved my 100th hit on my counter. This site hadn't been promoted yet(and isn't as I write this) so all the hits came from either people I directly told or people who came here by accident (so they're cheap hits). Also, from what I've heard, Mature can smite thee thouroughly so I've decided to make her nickname the 100 hit girl (thus the title. Sounds like an alternative music song title though).

Mature is an evading character to me. She makes appearances in KOF '96 and '98, both which I have not played so most of my info does not pertain to her in game acts etc. Mature and Vice, her best friend you might say, joined KOF in '96 with Iori (not willingly after his '95 partner beating). It was the only way that she and Vice could get in. Her role, although, starts in The King Of Fighters '94 where she makes an appearance as.... I guess I have to say it...Rugal's secretary. She was commanded to work for him and investigate him Blue Mary style (associating herself with him, that whoopy cusion). Rugal was being a crack-addict fish stick and was trying to get himself some of the neat Orochi power. So Mature was commanded to be the '94 rugal look out (the unfortunate Vice serves that bean pole in '95). I am not sure exactly who told her to investigate him, but it was an orochi person.I don't think it was the OROCHI because he had not surfaced yet.

Anyway, her work is cut short with the wonderful combustion of that slack-monkey Rugal. Anyway, '96 roles around and a real orochi man surfaces, Goenitz. He has Mature and Vice now get the skinny on Iori, so She and Vice (they do a lot together. It's likely that they are best friends, or each others only friends), are out for Iori to investigate Mary style. For an intro, Vice (I think it was Vice) attacks Iori and Mature observes, so naturally Mature and Iori did not get along at all and it was sin on the both of them. But Iori didn't have a team, so it was natural that Vice and Mature joined him. Mature saw that Iori's power was ever growing and decided to go for broke and switch sides and go against the big G. As Goenitz faded away after being smote by Iori, he said that Vice and Mature's "savior" would be the end of them. Then Iori went into heathen mode and killed them.

Mature:"A day working for that crazy Rugal can be hard on your dogs, I mean feet."

"But they couldn't have died because they are in '98" some unknowing people might say. Well, '98 is a dream match so she's back. Also, she was evil, being an orochi. SNK evil characters...DON'T DIE!. Never (look at Geese for example). Mature's alleigance to anyone but Vice and the real Orochi is questionable. She would have went up against Goenitz and the fact that she entered the tournament at all kind of says so because her work was done after the combusting of Raw beefcake Rugal, who had failed yet again, that wet behind the ears loser. They could have observed him from afar. Kind of foolish though, Mature's joining Iori once, even after beating up his other teammates, then again after "killing" Mature (whatever makes gamers happy, I sure am). I used to hate Mature because i thought she and Vice were replacements for Eiji and Billy. That was before I knew the in-depth KOF story line. Her hatred for Rugal (I know what her special '98 vs Rugal saying is-you make him your slave and command him to be beaten down by a group of drunken homosexuals in the middle of the street in the Castro district until Chang Koehan loses 200 ponds), coupled with her orochi-ness makes her real neat, that 100-hit girl. What's funny is that a lot of people think that she sits around waiting for Orochi commands in dungeons when actually she is a machine lover. A master at technology, Mature's love for machines allowed her to complete the difficult task (I think) of brainwashing Saishu Kusanagi, even though Rugal said he did it (that compulsive liar. Some deranged sea gull needs to swoop down all discombobulated and bite his head off).

Since I know little of Mature and have never seen her in video game action, can't really give info on how to play her. She likes machines, she hates Rugal. Isn't that reason enough to play the 100 hit girl (to me at least) Mature? As you can see, i'm really hurting on info, so if you know anything, E-Mail me. Any little bit (or better yet big bit) will do.

-Sho Reppadan-

"I WILL make Rugal my slave, just for Boo Kensou"

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