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Another SNK Boss Character- Ms. X.

Have you ever seen someone as cool as Ms. X? As far As I know, she's the only SNK fighter to debut on the Neo-Geo Pocket. (Yuki makes her first playable appearence-unconfirmed- but we've known about her for too long). So lets talk about her.

First and foremost, Ms. X is not her real name. It's an alias she goes by because she's all mysterious and stuff. She has organized an all-womens tournament (YES!!!) and has invited almost all of the best female fighters to participate (Li XiangFei and Chizuru Kagura must've been out to lunch together because they didn't get their invitations). I guess Ms. X felt that their should be a tournament to show who is the best female fighter, as that is a hard fact to obtain in a pre-dominately male fighting tourney.

Ms. X promises one wish for winning the tournament (of course you can't wish for more). That's a bit vague so i'll leave it at that. Anyway, she looks like Iori, has the crescent moon on her back, and wears a mask (kinda...). It is not said that she is Iori Yagami's sister....

8/23/00: Well, do we ll know now?? Ms. X. is just Iori in a womens outfit (a comical spoof frm the Neo-Geo Pocket). I guess they wanted to have Iori in the game, so... It's actually pretty funny, as he's obsessed with being known as "The Mysterious Ms. X" Mny fighters often asking, "What are you doing Yag-" Then he cuts them off with the reply, "I'm not him, I'm the mysterious Ms. X" in a picture featuring Billy, Eiji, Vice, Mature and Himself (Vice and MAture are dressed like him there and when they appear for his taunt).

My favorite part is in his/her ending when Kyo sees him and Iori says "Kyo, you're here!?!" and Kyo says "I'm doing fine" for no reason. "I didn't ask" Iori replies. Well, I thought it was funny...

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