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An Entity Of Sorts...

What makes him him...

This is our man, the guy that SNK has been building up to for all them years, from '94 to '97, where the Orochi finally surfaces. His goal? To blow up all dem humans and purify the earth. Of course, this is not exactly what the humans want, so there's some trouble. Big trouble. A lot of trouble. Ooodles and oodles and gobs and gobs of trouble.

The Orochi resurfaces every 1800 years. Legend says that it's the duty of the Kusanagi's and the Yagami's to seal it away, or should I say, it's the duty of the Hassheku's and Kusanagi's. Hassheku was the old Yagami name.

The deal is, Orochi (re)surfaced 1800 years ago (I don't know if this was his first performance) and started causing trouble. He was around long enough to cause some great devastation. Only some gnats decided to be heroes, The Kusanagi's and the Hassheku's. Why? Don't know, but the ability to summon crimson flames might have had something to do with it. I infer that there were many Kusanagi's and Hassheku's there to subdue it, and the Orochi finally was defeated, but the existence of it's power weren't.

As time went by, the power grew stronger and stronger, but a display of it really didn't show until 1986 (SNK can be REAL exact sometimes). Now it's up to the Kusanagi's and the Yagami's to put it to rest once again. -Mysterious Man:"Wait a minute, what happened to the Hassheku's?" Shut up mysterious man, nobody asked you, but good question. It seems that Orochi was defeated as each clan played their role out, the Hassheku holds (or something), the Kusanagi smites, and the Yata (Chizuru's clan, YES SHE plays a part. I always read fanfics where she's forgotten or replaced by somone else and I don't like it). Yes, as the Hassheku's hols the Orochi, making it vulnerable and such, the Kusanagi's smash it with their flame power. This combined with whatever it is Hassheku channels into it (flames?) is enough to put it down. Lets forget about Chizuru fora second, as many people do. Now here we got the Kusanagi's and Hassheku's all tired and stuff, and the Orochi is laid out, but his power begins to recollect, as their is still energy left from the battles, (as Orochi thrives off of this). Now he's up and ready to go and the Kusanagi's and Yagami's are worn out. The world is doomed! Oh no! Here comes The clan of Yata (Kagura's as we know) with the ultimate SEALING POWERS (Fujimasu!) Gonna getcha and all. The Yata puts Oroci away with the sealing power, thus suspending him from this world for years and years. Forget about THAT now, Yata done showed you...

Well, since the Kusanagi's LOOKED more active, the biased people of their time considered them the better. The proud Hassheku's were happy not and the remaining Orochi clan people saw their chance They knew that the Hassheku's were power hungry so they formed a pact with the Hassheku's, granting them more power (but now Oroci's could use them... sometimes). This tainted thier blood, but it was official (and Orochi was probably pleased) so they didn't explode like Rugal. This power, however, tainted thier blood and turned their flames purple. The evil power eats them away from the inside out, thus significantly shortening their life span (but hey, at least they don't get old).

Kusanagi's NOT happy. Hassheku's (changed to Yagami, kinda symbolizing and reminding of the pact) were already pissed, as they were power hungry anyway. Now starts the rivalry. The Kusanagi's think the Yagami's are evil, and the Yagami's don't care, as long as they get Kusanagi blood. DON'T BE DECIEVED! The Kusanagi's want to get the Yagami's as much as vice versa. The only time Kusanagi's ever cooled down was with Saishu. Anyway, the fued continued, pleasing the Orochi's as one side was bound to get wiped out. The Kusanagi's strength and will grew stronger each generation, but only the Yagami's strength grew. Their bloodlust for Kusanagi kept them going, and also, the more near to Orochi's resurfacing, the more buffer the power becomes.

Well anyway, the Orochi [ower was flaunted a bit in '86 when Goenitz started stirtin' trouble and ruining lives. After taking out the main Yata person, so Orochi could thrive even better, he went on an even corrupted the KOF '96, as to collect fighting energy. He wasn't expecting Chizuru to have taken the place of her slacker sister. Yes, the O-Power was on the down low, as Goenitz hadn't done much but silent preparation '87-'92 I think, but when a crazy looking donkey pile of rubble sensed a large eminent power (dogs have a good sense of smell) and tried to take it, Big G had to do something. That Jack-Ass was Rugal, and Goenitz stopped him from snagging all the goodness. Rugal STRIKES! And fails as usuall. Goenitz takes out his right eye, but then he gets curious and guves Rugal some power. Some OROCHI power. Rugal happens to be strong enough to take it! And he's a mere unofficially infused human. Gotta give props to the stupid guy. The deal? Another pawn for the Orochi's to play with.

What's this? Oouwp oouwp oouwp, Rugal forgets at the end of '95 that he's just a mere human and exerts too much power and goes off and explodes. The sucker. This just increses the Orochi member's knowledge about the power. (Rugal survived blowing himself up in '94 BECAUSE of his LITTLE BIT of power, just a taste to show you how buff it is).

Goenitz is taken out in '96 by Kyo Iori, and YES Chizuru (kinda) but there's more. The Orochi clan doesn't stop and manages to have more people to send in. Yes, as fate has it, the Band team (Yashiro, Shermie, and Chris) enters '97 to settle a grudge and comes to realization of the ir true deal. See, Goenitzand the band make up the Four Heavenly Kings. Yashiro is the leader (Goenitz was thought to be), Shermie is the queen, Goenitz is like an enforcer, and Chris is the holder, the bearer, the big box. That's why there wasn't much halt with the end of Goenitz.

Yes Orochi has chosen his body, resting within the innocent soul of Chris, so pure and all. Tis is why Chris bears the power so well, so young. The other Big Orochi's are ol' greedy violent Yamazaki, the 100-hit girl Mature, Big bad Vice, and Leona's father (Guider? Guidel?)

Orochi was awakened in '97 due to the Orochi Band teams dealings. Chris is posessed and grows in to a man, who looks a lot like Lee from Tekken 2. His looks are supposed to reflect Chris's when he gets older (at age 16, he should look like that now) and it's supposed to reflect the battles that the energy was derived from.

Now, Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru might have put a stop to it (not determined, since '98 has no storyline) but if so, then it would have went like this:

They whoop the Orochi who decides he's had enough of the trivial battle and decides to sick Iori on Kyo. (So he could fight only Chizuru? Huh? He'd have one heck of a time since she's so cool and buff). Iori is taken by the heathen Mode (Riot Of Blood) and Orochi commands him to kill Kyo (very blunt). But Iori's got some sort of will as he's able to think things through and still go against Orochi. Maybe he wants to kill Kyo conciously. Also, pick Iori in '97, go to Chiozuru and check the relation. What's this? An indifferent face? Maybe Iori feels that Chizuru is neat or something. Neither way, he does protect her. (Yey) He holds Orochi, and Kyo spaces out, but then Chizuru kinda gets him back on track, realizing how the fated battle is unfolding, starting with Iori's subconciously holding Orochi. Kyo strikes and Yuki's face appears in his mind (once again, Chizuru is ignored, in the ending, it should have showed her sealing him away, but NOOOOO! Let's show that crack feind Yuki's face instead, grrr....).

Evidence says that the Orochi might not have been released or something didn't happen right, if we go by KOF '98 (which I gladly do). The band team is still around (had Orochi came about, they would have had to kill themselves to give him power). Yamazaki and co. still have Orochi power thriving just as strong, and Iori and Leona still got the Heathen Mode. Sad to say.... YEY!!!!

Basically, Orochi is the main evil entity who's purpose, though only considered evil by the victims (humans), is to fulfill his duty. He is well aware that humans oppose and consider him evil, but he is nothing without the bloodline established within some of them humans. He seems to kinda control fate, as KOF tournaments are always Orochi ridden. Even though he's only been on earth for a maximum of about 2 days, he's getting the hang of things, messing with emotions and stuff. He will resurface in 1800 years to challenge again. The "battle" that might have happened proves that the generations are growing ever stronger. The time to awaken Orochi was short, it only took 3 people to take Orochi out, dang. In 1800 years....

Playing Orochi is cheap and crazy. His kicks counter all, is punches have high priority. His Soul stealing DM is cheap and buff. He's got a glass mirror throw where damage isn't dealt until ground impact. It counters TOO much. His prolectile can't be stopped by anything and it's hard to roll past. His lightning attack, that can be placed like Shermie's kisses and Lucky G's head hitting basket ball attack stopped my POWed Haoh Sho Ko Ken. The lighting is a regular move! The "Sky" DM (you know what I'm talking about, or you will when you see it) takes up full screen, damages over half on a counter hit, and juggles for some high hits. If he counter hits you with his projectile and comboes it into the "sky" it's bye-bye 92% energy, in fact, don't EVER AB roll out of the blue if he's got a stock. And also, ducking doesn't stop his "Soul" DM from sucking you in. That and his AB roll is a teleport........ Gotta love that taunt.

-Sho Reppadan-

Orochi: "You've Got Two Mortal Humans On Your Side. I've Got The Stratosphere."

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