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Mighty Shermaphrodite!



Just all the giggly french girl, Shermie is as neat as all of the other Band team members. She also easily wins the competition for favorite KOF female character. She says neat stuff during matches(sometimes on the phone during matches). She follows up Yashiro as Member no.2 on the Newface team. Not only is she coiled in by her "unknown" (until mid-'97) obligation to Chris(Maurgks? See Chris Profile) but she's got this fatty crush on Yashiro N. as well. A perfect member for the team, even though she gets along well with others (outside tournaments).

1997. She joins the KOF with Yashiro and Chris from out of the blue, meaning that she didn't even go to the preliminary bouts(neither did her teammates). They stole their entries(from USA? I wonder which one she fought. Bri-An Battler!!). Shermie, because of her teams base personage, isn't very popular inside the tournaments because she only likes Yashiro and Chris, and for other reasons(just all getting rid of the easy pickens). But how can one not like Shermie? She's real happy, to the point of giggling while fighting, and her battle stance and walk say it all. Shermie is about as happy and crazy and loony about anything as one can get. She might not appear to take things seriously, but it's a mistake on the part of the person who believes that.

Shermie(just all havin' the cell phone) is from France. Bet Yashiro N. was glad when he found her. She's living proof that SNK doesn't have biased views of nationalities,( Look at the cold and calculatind cool-headed Charlotte. Let's try for a decent non-stereotypical image of blacks. D!) Shermie is a member of the NFT/Band team because she has certain ties toward Chris(which shall be explained in another section). She also thinks Chris is the cutest thing on earth, and Chris really thinks Shermie is neat. (He cooks for her). Shermie hasn't changed since joining the KOF. She even has special intros with Macho guys in '98(Chang?? Nah, more like Nacho!!) Not much is known of Shermie's past probably because of her secret hidden within. That is why her hair is the way it is. Her eyes are said to be all zany and can stare directly into ones soul (Lucky would probably make her explode with all that soul food within(Joke)-I'm black so I can say that.) Come on. Would you date a girl if see your soul, kick your butt in a split second, and had blood-red eyes to boot? Yes? Ah, well I guess I lose).

One thing I have heard from quite a few places. Shermie has a job as some fasion designer. this would explain Yashiro and Chris' attire in both '97 and '98. I mean, Yashiro wouldn't really wear a heart...would he? Benimaru maybe. Anyway she uses the KOF to model her stuff, therefore taking advantage of yashiro's unjustified(?) hate for Iori. Chris just wears whatever is put in front of him. Chris is NOT Shermie's little brother(or sister for all you fools). They just get along really well. So well that Shermie can even touch Chris' hair without getting mauled.

When Shermie "awakens"(won't go into detail), her voice gets really low and she gets a whole attitude makeover. No more wanting to have a little fun, she just wants to kill you, that's all(and you thought it was something bad...bah!) Had the NFT/BT completed their '97 task that they realized they had mid-tournament, Yashiro would have had to kill Shermie. That would have been bad. I like the normal(?) Shermie better(Mo' info on Orochi later). I can see her now, poking Iori making him turn Riot of Blood A.K.A. Heathen Mode, then turning him back("On Orochi, Off Orochi, On Orochi, Off Orochi, On Orochi...). Shermie prefers the normalicy of flirting with Yashiro and eating Chris' home-cooked meals.

What doesn't make a lick of sense is Shermie's moves(even thought they are neat). She practically dances while fighting. Her Shermie spiral is one of the best throws. All she does is wrap your head in her thighs and you're off(your rocker). That's why it's called the happiness catch(by some people). The Shermie whip, another leg move, is actually anti-air and is very good at not being countered if missed(as anti-air). The axel-spin kicks invincibility window is not long enough. Don't use it too much(use against projectiles). Shermie is crazy in the DM category. Both are buff(especially in SDM) and the old "best side" on the joystick problem is eliminated because the throy motins can go either way! In' 97 you can block and counter with a DM, but '98, there's a chance you might miss due to the new "missed throws" animations. At least in '97 She has a 100% Success rate.

Shermie's skirt is VERY short and my sister insists that she isn't sporting any... you know. I can't seem to change her mind about her "guys eyeful/heaven theory.

Now Here! Shermie likes to shop and spend lots and lots o' money. This compliments the part of her personality indulged in shopping. One day she encounterd this guy at the mall (whom she thought was REAL cute). He had been traveling all over the place and was just recreating a bit. She found out about the band and made note of her keyboarding skills and the guy strangely just signed her in. She really wanted to be in the band with that guy (whom we all know as Yashiro N.) not only because he was cute, but because, well, she doesn't know exactly why. Then when she met Chris (Jokkmokk?) the strange bond between them tightened with the addition of the third boy. She thinks of Chris as a little brother, and Chris sees her kind of as an older sister. That explains the big pl' Band team bond thing.

-Ru Hadan- (Sho Reppadan's out today).

Shermie: "His sister has absolutely no sense."

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