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So Her Name is Whip....

Finally got around to adding decent info to the profile of one of the best KOF characters ever. Whip is the only other KOF female character I consider "Smoove" aside from Chizuru Kagura, and "Smoove" female characters are ALWAYS cool.

Of course, it's hard to accept the fact that she has a whip until you see her fight with it and find out that she values and treasures it to the 8th.

The Trigger: Whip grew up around the N.E.S.T. Cartel, highly influenced. She, however, was able to break away form them due to a fault with the N.C. it seems she was to pretend to be Krizalid's sister since Krizalid was actually and enhanced K' clone and was told he wasn't a clone. Thus, the N.C. gave him some fake memories that Whip was a part of.

Anyway, Whip began to see the ol' Kriz as her brother (as K' was kinda ossed to the side), so when Krizalid started goin' nuts and gettin' dang zany when it came to power and uploadin' stuff into suits and the like, she couldn't take it and was able to see the HUGE fault within the N.C. (that and they were uploadin' battle data into special suits. Come on... it's funny though). So she left.

Sometime in this time, she got herself that Whip (it's name is like, Udodo or something) and got all real good with it. She decided to join a faction that might one day be able to stop the N.C. so her brother could be saved. This faction was of the Ikari soldiers. Good ol' Heidern was impressed with her Whip skills and her sense for the destruction of corruption. Just the person he needed to join his forces of elite.

After the Rugal deal and the Orochi deal, this N.E.S.T Cartel deal came up. Whip showed a slick amount of knowledge and will to put them out of commision and end their corruption (she is the corruption specialist) and now Good ol' Heidern feels she should join his elite three of Ralf, Clark and Leona in '99 (luckily, the KOF, where the N.C. had infiltrated and is hosting was having groups of four enter). Whip proved that Good ol' Heidern hadn't made a mistake, leading them eventually to the N.C... of course, the N.C. was already in a bit of troubel (at least the Kriz was).

As G.O.Heidern called his men back, Whip ran into wherever tey were by, saying she had some buisness. There she found Krizalid under a rock (at ROCK BOTTOM!) and commmenced in relating to him the whole deal of deception the N.C. had dealt to him. I don't know if she was actually K's sister and Kriz was the clone, or if K' is a complete clone as well and Whip really isn't related to either.

Well, anyhow and anyway, Whip is a bit more at ease and feels better (maybe she'll go and get some good home cookin'). She and Leona have a lot in common when it comes to being quiet and off to the side, but the Whipsters is a bit more approachable (and redeemable). Of course, you know Leona and Whip don't converse to each other much... They need to have a nice chat over some Saki (perhaps with Chin Gentsai, the ol' buzzard).

-Shin Sho Reppadan-


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