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That poser, actually it's kinda cool

Well well well, if it isn't Yuri Sakazaki. She's the kind of person that gets in the way during Anime movies and then loses and gets kidnapped and Ryo and Robert have to save her. In fact, that did happen once (except she didn't get in no foo's way) and Ryo and Robert had to rescue her. Thus Yuri decides to train up and down with her brother and Robert (boyfriend? Hopefully not).

Yuri's constant exposure to the Arts of Fighting (gaahhh...) kinda led her to learn how to fight rather quickly. That and her will to never be helpless again, which is the quality that I respect most about Yuri (take notes princess toadstool). Now she's a little cocky, to the point of actually joining the King Of Fighters '94 to her brothers dismay. Ah well, let her get it out of her system. OH NO! She's back in '95! Same channel, same team.

Now I don't know the storyline behind the Art Of Fighting 2 (anyone care to tell me via E-Mail?) but that's when Yuri started her fighting fetish. Her first game... Then KOF '94 rolls around and Yuri's a little greedy and wants the prize money (doesn't anyone fight for that anymore?) so she teams up with Mai and King. Repeating this in '95 also.

Post '95, Takuma decides to retire and throws Yuri on the team instead. Even though the Kyokugen team is to fight for the honor of Kyokugen, Yuri still only wants the money. '97 is a little different. Still wanting money, Yuri somewhat matures and fights to avenge the dojo after it's and it's desciples destructions at the hands of a feind (Yamazaki, because of his greedy violent nature). So Yuri is again with the Robert and the Ryo. I think she misses her old team though. "Ryo's so boring."

What's with she and Robert? no one knows.

According to Anime: Yuri was worthless in the anime, a big nothing that Mr. big was after, even after he got what he wanted(?). Her voice actor was zany also ("My-brother...will.....get you. He...will" no emphasis whatsoever).

Don't know much about playing Yuri. OK, I know quite a few things. I think the AOF Yuri in KOF '98 has the shinryuken. Use it cheaply. no jumper can stop it. The SDM shoryureppa can just chip a near-defeated turtle to the ground. Don't play her like Ryo and Robert. She's WAY different. The Rai Oh Ken (weak version) can stop jumpers that jump from afar (Take that Choi!). The other version sails over projectiles way to good. Use the SD Hao Sho Ko ken. The other one is the slowest in the game. The SDM can counter from across the screen, no matter how quick of an attack they mindlessly pull. Losers. When you win, do the "Ei Ei Oh Oh etc." pose. It's the most taunting. her spinning Sakura style kick is worthless unless you catch someone jumping from afar. The Cho knuckle Terry Pose-off is best as weak version. the other version can counter jumpers from afar (stay close to Yuri), The knuckle works well against CPU though. The Flying Phonix DM can be used to counter upper cuts on the way down and other wide open moves. Cho Yoyutchi!

-Sho Reppadan-

Yuri:"I'm gonna get of my present team and beat my brother up for doubting me all the time. He's no fun."

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