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The SiD ViCiOuS Shrine

Sid Vicious aka John Simon Richie played bass for the 70's punk band the Sex Pistols. He died at 21 from an overdose on heroin just months after the death of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen..he said he could never live without her, and he was right. Ever since i started listening to the Sex Pistols a few years ago, i have become obsessed with Sid and everything to do with him..even though i never lived before his death, it still effects me and i know i'll never be the same..the reason for this, i'm not sure, but he means something to me, and he always will. Forever Rest in peace- Sid Vicious..whom i will always remember and love.

why not share your thoughts about SiD too? the newest addition to the Shrine is dedicated to all of us who loved and miss SiD and want to show we post a message, and while you're at it, read the thoughts of others! i just added this recently, so the 1st few weeks or so might not have very many (if any) posts, so all the more reason to post something yourself!

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the sid shrine welcomes all worshipers! thank you all for visiting and paying your respects to our beloved SiD.

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