You are in a wide meadow, and see a huge ash tree in the center. You walk around it, and see that on the other side is a centaur holding a quill pen and a scroll. "Hello!" she says. "I'm Onyx!" You notice a beautiful ring on her finger. "What's that stone?" you ask. "This? It's my Rhimestone," she smiles.
"What are you writing?" you ask. "My poetry," she answers. "May I see it?" you ask. "Sure!" she says.
You are of day, I am of night, I am of darkness, You are of light. I hold the stars In the palm of my hand, You hold the clouds Over the land. I hold the water, You hold the earth, I hold the smiling, You hold the mirth. Equal as all, Short is as tall. Darkness and light- As bright as the night.![]()
Who I am
I am as the cheetah Running in the wind I am as the Nemo- Looking far within. I am as the hawk Observing all to see, I am as the nothingness- I am only me. I am as the ash tree Waving in the wind, I am as the magic- Making the world spin. I am as the panther Padding in the night, I am as the fantasy- Feeling giddy flight. I am as the ocean Rushing to the shore, I am as the moon- Glowing forevermore. I am as the grass Waving in the air, I am as the nothingness- All and nothing there. I am as the gem that glows Brightly in the sun, I am as the thoroughbred, Swiftly as I run... Most of all, I am the wind, Caressing with gentle care... I may make the biggest difference- Or I may'nt be even there!![]()
Lady of fire, what do you feel? Is it your heart, or is it your head? Is it the darkness, or is it the light? Is it sky over your head? Is it the field beneath your feet? Is it the woods beyond your land? Is it the water rushing to shore? Is it the cloud touching your hand? What mountains within your heart do loom And cast shadows o'er your thoughts? What valleys and plains are full of sun- As mountains are cold, and valleys are not. Ice, mountain water, Fire, valley love, Fear holds your thoughts within- And clouds hold your heart above.Why? March 2, 1999 Why don’t they know me? They say they do, Since the beginning of time. But They don’t. They only try When I’m upset- And sometimes Not even then. They say “Get over it! It’s done and gone!” But It isn’t. Not in my soul. As if I’m going to leave My emotions On the doorstep Of each room I enter, To start new each minute.... I’m sorry. But It just doesn’t work that way. I have feelings too. Why Don’t they understand that? Why Don’t they know me? Why Do I feel different Than the world?
~Solitude~ 3/4/99 The day may be cold, And the walk may be hard, And I may slip and fall, And get cold and wet, But I go anyway. I go because I must. I go because I'm called. I go because it's what I am, And that can't be ignored. Whatever they say Or how they scorn me, What would they think If they saw me now? I see everything differently Than they ever will- And because of my gift I am called to be here. Walk to the woods, Walk down a path Then step out among vines To a meadow of grass. Snow may be deep And the day may be cold, But you cannot stop me From being myself. If you were to look up From where you are now You would see endless skies You feel as though you could Fall off the world. The clouds are all bigger The world is more silent And all is more magical When you're alone.
See it All 3/14/99 I want to see it all. Where does that path Through the woods lead? I want to see. I want to see it all. If I follow those tracks I found in the snow, What will I find? I want to see it all. Where does that road 'Tween the banks lead? I want to see. I want to see it all. If I run by the stream Under the branches Of weeping willows What will I see? I want to see it all. I if crawl under the Weighted down branches Of the pine in the field What kind of world will greet me? I want to see it all. If I part all the branches Of the thick forest there, What will I find? I want to see it all. If I follow the rays Of the scarlet setting sun What magic will follow my path? I want to see all All that is to see For all I see now Is what's inside of me
~Swift~ 3/14/99 You Are fast But I Am swift. That moment I ran I remember. But All else Is gone. For I Did not Just run. I Disappeared. In That small moment That I don't know Where I went Before I hid In darkness I was not there. I was not here. I was not. In that Small moment I was… I was gone.
~Ask~ 3/14/99 You ask For courage And I Say to you What Should I do? You ask For love And I Say to you What Can I do? You ask For me To tell you How you Should feel And I Tell you This. "Soul of a mage, Mind of a wizard, Heart of a warrior" And you Only sneer And do not Understand. And If you Don't accept I Cannot give.
~God, my Shadow and my Soul~ 3/25/99 Last night You didn't see me Because I Was alone… With my soul. Always there is someone there- God, my shadow and My soul. Always there will be someone to care God, my shadow and My soul. Always when I sing sad thoughts Or pray or laugh or cry- Someone is there- God, my shadow and My soul.
Zorada, guardian of twilight. ~Shadow Girl~ 3/26/99 My name is Shadow Girl And I dance. My name is Shadow Girl And I discover. My name is Shadow Girl And I can disappear. My name is Shadow Girl And you may know me. My name is Shadow Girl And I dance with the moon. My name is Shadow Girl And I sing with the sun. My name is Shadow Girl And I walk two worlds. My name is Shadow Girl And I am silent. My name is Shadow Girl And I follow. My name is Shadow Girl And I dream. My name is Shadow Girl And I love. My name is Shadow Girl And I live.
"I don't tell this to anyone because they might misunderstand, but I like the aloneness of the early morning. I try to step gently on the path so that the sounds I make will blend into the rustle of the world…"
"What you see with your eyes closed during the day is something different. It's like deep water, a pond that's draped with shade. I don't know what makes it happen - the fins of tiny fish, or their eyes, the sparkle of agates - but there are lights moving down there, something to watch. It's the same on a night when there's no moon and you look straight into the sky: the more you watch, the more you see. Grains of white sand, it looks like, and sometimes one drops so fast you can hardly follow it before it's lost…"
"Why do bats like the dark?" she asked me, returning to the conversation. "Tell us, Star Boy."……"Because it's big," I said. "Because there are special things to see if you watch closely. Because in it you can be dreaming even if you're awake. Because someone must remember the day while others sleep and call it when it's time for the sun to come home…"
-Morning Girl by Michael Dorris
These stories are from a girl I know- *Centauri*. Here's the big surprise. She's only 6!!!!!! WOW!!!! And she wrote the entire things by herself, the only help being the typing and the spelling and punctuation.
Where the Dreams Start By *Centauri* January 25, 1999
Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Lucy. She had her own world. There were lots of animals.
Everyone was in the land of unknown animals. There was a wicked witch. He didn't like anyone. The witch wanted to be king of the world. But they wouldn't let him do it. His castle was horrible.
Lucy's castle was beautiful. Everyone liked her castle.
Just as the world settled the witch planned war. He almost took the world. But Pegasus came right in time and tried to bump him with her horn. But her ran away. And they lived happily ever after.
The Mystery By: *Centauri*
Lucy was trick or treating. Suddenly all the lights in the houses went out. Lucy saw the problem.
She knew what she had to do, so she took off her costume and went in the scary old house where she found the door to the scientist's lab.
She saw the scientist and his machine. She opened the door and went in his lab. She argued with him 'til he agreed to shut off the machine and they lived happily ever after.
You see an odd light through the trees on the edge of the meadow...investigate!