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Mandingo's Lair

You are Leviticus

Hello, I am glad you decided to drop in. You probably don't know much about me, unless you are a member of the Blue family and were in the Blue triangle between 1992 and 1996 (Gulf Coast Region). I'll keep it pretty simple, just a little sumthin' to tell you about me. Be sure to sign the guestbook or email me to let me know you passed by. Holler back later.

Principles of Life

A Little About the Mandingo

I recently crossed the threshold to the 30's. I really don't see the drama associated with it that I hear from some others. Just another day to live and learn. I am a Business Support Administrator for a major electronic/computer manufacturer. I pledged number 6 of 6 Fall 1992 at McNeese State University(Lake Charles, La.)Xi Eta {None Greata} Chapter. We went over at 4:13AM Thanksgiving 1992.Although my line name is not Mandingo, I am known by most frat and soror in the region by the name. I am currently reside in the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex. If you are not a member of the Blue Family, then look into it, you can make a difference. If you are, then you know what I mean and just keep working because "...our cause speeds on its way." May your skies be ROYAL BLUE and filled with puffy, PURE WHITE clouds.

Favorite Web Sites

Phi Beta Sigma National Website
Social Action Website

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