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~*~June 2000~*~

Half remembered images sometimes seize my mind
And take me back to moments, when my life was redefined.
Like the time when I was five, ringletted and plump
Down at the pier watching migrant ships unload,
Holding mum’s hand and wide eyed at the bustle
I saw a lady, leaning over the ship’s rails;
Weeping, wailing, wracked.
Though I could not hear her moans,
I felt the silence of her pain above
The humming crowd’s hubbub.

And I asked mum what was wrong with her
Mum replied. "her heart is breaking.
That’s what happens when a heart is trapped
Between the leaving behind and the going to"

And of course at five, what was I to know
Of broken hearts, of tearing pain.
But as I skipped away, with a tighter grip of mum’s hand
That image somehow burnt itself into my mind.
It’s still there, always will be and times like this
It consumes me-

The busy noisy humming of a crowd
The silence of a breaking heart,
The time when I was five
And saw my future self.

12 june 2000

Your skin entices my fingers
To softly read your braille
Its texture tells your story
Hard, rough and firm.
But in the soft hollow
Is the baby-down
Of vulnerability.
Let me touch your face
And smooth your frown
And kiss your hidden softness.

~*~Socrates sings~*~

Silver bells and cockle shells
Open to the night
Calendula and jasmine smells
Richly do delight
Amber bleeds and willow weeps
Tokens of goodbye
Even as the baby sleeps
Something makes her cry


This pain it cuts deep, savages and tears me
Like a tiger it feeds: greedily, teethily, biting and chewing
It stalks me and jumps me
By the cool jungle lake
As I lap up my pleasure
As I laugh at your voice and drink in your taste
I suddenly sense it..a second too late
A thief in the night, as I kneel at your altar
It robs me and strips me of all that I've built
It hungrily licks me, it tastes me and spits me
Devours me, denies me and leaves me bare

(the shadow of a shadow
gleams like a tiger in the night
and steals away with silent grace
sated and sleekily smiling
the shadow of doubt lies by the lake.)

*abashed writer's footnote: don't you love a good wallow? :)

27 june 2000

I’d like to have my way with you
I’d like to make you moan
I’d like to kiss you black and blue
And call you on the phone

I sometimes think of holding you
Until the sun appears
I’d like to lick and nibble you
And suck your tender ears

There’s mornings when I wake up warm
And wish you're next to me
So we could both ride out the storm
And sail the rocky sea

I know I shouldn’t talk of lust
It surely isn't right
I can be good, if good I must
I’ll try with all my might.

13 june 2000

Winter night draws in
Its ice cold grip strengthens;
Not even crickets stir.

Ive heard it said that love
Is honest
Built on faith
And most times I'm seduced
By the thought that it could be so.

But nights like this,
I know love is

Nights like this,
When I'm lonely for your touch

But in tommorrow's clear morning
Ignore my hasty words
Believe instead when I say
I love you honestly,

Frost reflects the moon
Its pale silence stills the earth;
I too hold my breath

walking on the red hill trail
crunching the frozen path
gulping iced air
skin tingling painfully
cheeks rosy
hands cosy in my pockets.
on one side the hilly scrub
the city foggy on the other.
im alone up here

then a dog races up
maybe out of nowhere.
a lovely, licky labrador.
im licked and head-butted
till i stroke its nose.

his owner smiles at me
i smile back
and walk on,
along the red hill trail.

The plane door opens wide
Like a hungry pelican:
You enter, hunched prey.
