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~~Saturday night~~

your silence stuns me
my soul is hurting.
your words of love have gone
and I'm left empty and ashamed.

I need your words back
I need your love back
A copy will do
my pride has gone, anyway.

~~Love lingers~~

Dreaming days away
Watching time crawl by
My soul begins to fray
My heart begins to cry

Then- a new day dawns!
Your image leaves my head.
Rid of your tender thorns
Loose of your silken thread

Now- i'm free
Still- i'm me
Alone?- maybe
hot?- Oh, baby!
(Bed still burning,
Heart still yearning)

~*~Love's echo~*~

That time we dared to steal a glance
Inside each other's heart,
That day we both found the way
To make dark loneliness depart

That moment when I first saw
First knew, first felt and tasted
First was adored and loved and more
That glimpse will not be wasted.

Though distance grows with every word
And the fragile cord is frayed
The love I felt and feel for you
Will never be betrayed.

the wind stirs blossom
petals float, love drifts westward,
solitude remains


somewhere the fern fronds rustle,
in air both cold and sharp.
morning chores are done with bustle
while coffee warms the heart

but close your eyes one moment
as you race from task to task
and think of a far-off garden
where dwells another heart

imagine soft lilacs' velvet
brush your wind-rough skin
breathe in its fragrant nectar
unleash your sensual whims.

and when you run off grinning
late for work again
stop to brush the lilac
from your tousled, wintry hair.

~*~your poem~*~

this morning when you wake up
still bruised by life's rejections
dust off that mirror on the wall
and look past your reflection

look past the sadness and distress
and past the hardened shell
look past the weary man you see
and touch the heart inside

trace the years of life youve lived
the battles youre survived
look deeply into gentle eyes
and know you will revive

and as the mirror brightly shines
know the wonder it reflects
is a simple man who stands unbent
with heart of diamond strength.

silence fills the space
pungent bitterness calls loud
a cold wind severs

~*~the love thing~*~

wot is this love thing?
thats got me in a spin
wot is this love thing?
this awful mess i'm in.

who is this fella?
who makes me go all shivery
who is this fella?
who's got my belly quivery

wot's the point i ask?
he'll never be my own
wot's the point i ask?
i'll always be alone

god youre a silly git
go out and get a life
god youre a silly git
he cuts you like a knife

wot is this love thing?
it's the essence of my being
wot is this love thing
just can't help believing.

silent window
door ajar
dusty tears
as love packs up

blackbird singing
light refracts
off polished hopes
as love unpacks

~*~Greeting 2000~*~

come into my arms, my dear
rest your cheek on mine
touch the beating of my heart
its rhythm soothing thine

as the midnights come and go
let's put our glasses down
let's drink, instead, each other's love
and both place and time confound.

Copyright by meg 1999

meg's sofa