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~*~ meg's quilts~*~

~~~Lament of the sloppy quilter~~~

I saw a lovely picture, in a mag we all know well
A simple little pattern. I can do it, I can tell!
An easy peasy pattern, as simple as can be
What can go wrong? It’s plainly meant to be!

So I get my quilter’s ruler, my cutter and my board
And find some lovely fabrics, from my secret little hoard.
With tongue between my teeth, and with a little whince
I start to cut my strips of pretty plains and prints.
I concentrate so fiercely, I have to be exact
No more sloppy cutting, to give me panic attacks
(in the past, ive been too bold, and my seams did give me grief
cos evenness had never been within their starting brief).

But here I am, with several strips, exactly 2 inches wide,
Slowly I cut then into squares, my pride I cannot hide.
For each square is as square
As square a square can be!

So off I run, to my sewing machine
All ready to sew my seams
One quarter inch, I chant aloud
This time I’ll do me proud.
I sew and sew my even seams
It’s going like a dream!
Why did I ever have such doubts?
I’m a seamy dream machine!

Then off to ironing board I trot
My confidence is running hot,
I press my blocks and what do I see?
Each bloody seam is up the tree!
I gasp..i cry..i wonder why
Pah! Who needs a straight seam anyway?

19 Oct 2001

quilts, poem and bear by meg

The cute guy above is Arfur, my quilting companion and quality controller.
He is very uncritical, so I guess he has a job for life.
(wave to set, arfur ~~)

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