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<< The First Page>> <<The Last Page>>
The original The Final
    This was the First page to have a Button for Ravers Playland
this was the original name for the Photo archive it's first photos were submited by ~*KC*~ and were of her the "Fly Girls" and Monk
    This is the final version of Meph's World which consisted of over 80 pages and 5000 hits to the site and was last updated August 13 1999 the last version of the page had a Upcoming events page, Ravers Playland, A page for New Lidz kidz, A two year by party photo index, A props (personal links) page, and a Rave related Business links page
List Kidz Webring     This is the original "List Kidz" webring it's members never reached over 16 but the graphic has become a symbol of the list kidz themself the graphic was made by Cliff one of the List Kidz and this Graphic was originally made for Passes, the purpose of these passes was so that list kidz could identify each others at parties the first party this was done at was (Oct 16 1998) "Submersible Beginings" (the second was left out of the parties name) and the last one as of  [9-26-99] willbe
(Oct 16 1999) "Collaboration"
I know that the spirt of the list kidz will move on much farther that, and can only wait and see