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Web Friends

These are some of my friends that I have gotten to know on the internet. There are many more, but I don't have a picture of everyone. If you think you should be here and your not, then you probably should. Email me and I will put you on my page.

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This is Christy. Most of her friends that know her in Idaho, call her Crispy. Her chat name is Red Ivory. We met at a place called Broadcast, which was a chatter that's not around anymore. When we met, she had just started attending the University of Idaho as a freshman. Now after knowing her for about 2 years, that is on the internet, she has left Idaho and goes to New Mexico State University. At first I thought that she switched to NMSU because of the differences in weather conditions, but I guess she's in some sort of business major. I'm sure that she will yell at me soon for not remembering and I'll have to change this script...

This is Lisa. She's from Canada. I met her on Broadcast. Her chat name is Black-Lace. This is more of a missing persons add, because I lost contact with her and haven't heard from her in quite a while.

This is Regina. Her chat name is Angelyss. I met her on ICQ not that long ago. She's from Pennsylvania. Listen to her laugh!

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