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The Briefing Room

This episode began very promisingly with a secret that Janeway knew but wasn’t telling. Seven knows what is is too. Over the course of this episode it changes into an episode about Borg religion, obsession, loyalty and there’s a firefight thrown in too. It’s interesting but not one of this seasons finest.
In this episode the ship detects omega particles. No one but Janeway and Seven know what’s going on and they prepare to take a shuttle out to destroy the omega particles. Unfortunately ther’s too many of them so the rest of the senior staff have to be informed. The big danger is that Voyager will lose it’s warp drive if things go wrong.
The other problem is that the omega particle is something of a holy grail among the borg and Janeway has to contend with a somewhat obbessed Seven.
This episode was slightly dull but then I’m still recovering from the excitement of ‘The Killing Game’
A ship in trouble calls out to Voyager for help, or more correctly the occupant on board calls for Chakotay to help. But no one knows who she is. It turns out that her species are forgotten hours later by anyone they meet and the fact that there was a computer virus planted also helped Voyagers crew to forget that they had ever met her. At least according to this woman.
She claims that she and Chakotay were in love. At first he doesn’t believe her but soon they are once again in love and she plans to stay on Voyager. This is where it’s obvious that thing’s are going to go wrong after all there have been no reports of any new charactors joining Voyager. Even so I was almost in tears at the ending.
Usually the second part of an episode is never as good as the first. The whole episode is an anti -climax after the thrilling ending of part one. This episode is different and is never predictable in the least.
The holographic soldiers have broken out into the real world and are fighting it out with the nazi’s in Voyagers corridors. Janeway has realised who she really is and the Alpha Hirogen plans to revolutionise his people’s ways of thinking. For a while Janeway manages to get through to the Alpha Hirogen and the crew remember who they really are, the problems seem to be over. Unfortunately the other Hirogen don’t agree with their leader and inspired by a holographic character they revolt. Ending the cease-fire and killing the Alpha Hirogen.
Things go from bad to worse when Voyagers crew manage to destroy most of their holographic allies. Fortunately Neelix, fearless Klingon leader (!!!??), leads his holographic troops into battle with the Nazi’s and a stand off is achieved. Eventually the episode ends with a clear violation of the Prime directive (why Janeways decides now is the time to break it rather than any of the previous times when breaking it would have got them home is unknown.)
I have only one question, why did the Hirogen cast themselves as the Nazi’s in the holographic simulation when the Nazi’s lost the war?
This episode begins with a Tom Paris using his brilliant piloting skills to save lives. (I missed the very start of this episode and spent ten minutes wondering why he was dressed as a mechanic while doing this) As the episode goes on we find out that he’s becoming restless and bored on Voyager, especially with his Sickbay duties. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to announce that he was leaving the ship and then track down a traitor which is what happened last time he acted like this. But no, Paris was just bored and fed-up.
To relieve this boredom Paris begins working on the ship that he helped save that morning. Seth, the sole occupant of the ship tries to convince Paris that he should come with him and Paris almost agrees but decides to stay on Voyager. Too late, Seth switches bodies with Paris and sends Tom back to the planet where he stole his last body with the ship controls locked out.
Seth ignores most of the work that Paris has to do on Voyager, drinks and reads the Captains personal logs while on duty and ruins Paris’ relationship with Torres. There is a humorous scene with the Doctor and since I had just taken up golf a few weeks before seeing this episode I found some other parts funny too. Meanwhile, Paris has to convince an angry alien that he isn’t the one who stole his body.
Things get a little confused and Janeway ends up in Paris’ body but everything is sorted out by the end including the relationship between Paris and Torres and the answer to why Paris was dressed as a mechanic is discovered.
An okay episode but not one of Voyagers finest. The Character of Tom Paris is almost becoming as bad as the fist season.
This was a wonderful episode of Voyager that provided a change from the recent high action Hirogen episodes.
During negotiations with a weapons dealer who isn’t particularly liked by the crew Seven strikes him in engineering. There is no apparent reason for her hostility towards him so she agrees to go under hypnosis. Soon the Doctor and Seven discover that she remembers Kovan preforming some sort of surgery on her in order to extract borg nanoprobes for a weapon.
Everyone rallies around Seven and evidence seems to support her theory. Meanwhile Kovan escapes. Voyagers crew soon finds that the evidence wasn’t what they thought and that the dealer may be innocent after all......
I am not going to give away the end of this brilliant story but I will say that this ending is unlike anything we’ve come to expect from Star Trek and the events of this episode aren’t going to help the relationship between seven and Janeway much.
Wow! Right from the beginning this episode shines as one of the best ever Star Trek episodes.
The episode opens with a Klingon Janeway seemingly being killed by a Hirogen. It is soon discovered that the Hirogen has taken over Voyager but instead of killing the crew the Alpha Hirogen plans to turn Voyager into one giant holodeck with an endless and varied amount of prey.
This episode is one of Voyagers most dramatic but there was an element of fun as we are intoduced to the crews 1940’s counterparts. And of course this episode features the wonderful singing talents of Jeri Ryan who now joins the ranks of Tim Russ and Robert Picardo who have also sang during various episodes.
While ‘Katrine’ and the other members of the French resistance battle the Nazi Hirogen Harry Kim and the Doctor come up with a plan that will inable the crew to remember whom they really are. first they need someone inside the holodeck. This is where Seven of Nine comes in. Unfortunately once Seven regains her own personality she forgets everything about her charactor.
As the Americans (Tom and Chakotay) invade the town ‘Katrine’ is about to kill Seven for being a traitor and the resistance launch their first strike against the Nazis. The explosion of the Nazi headquarters creates more problems as some of Voyagers holodeck systems fail and the holographic creations as well as the crew members who still believe that they are in France prepare to do battle in the newly discovered Nazi base...... the inside of Voyager which has been fitted with holographic emiters.
Then come the words that leave us hanging on the edge of our seats for a month until the next video release ( or next week if you have sky one).... TO BE CONTINUED......
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This episode revolves around Chief O’Brien going undercover to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate. He soon becomes trusted by Bilby who is the leader of the group on the planet he’s stationed on. O’Brien conpletes his original mission quite quickly but is forced to stay because a new plot involving the Dominion and an assination of a Klingon ambassador come to light. During the corse of this episode O’Brien begins to feel loylity towards Bilby which becomes a problem when it appears that Bilby is going to be killed as a result of his investigating. This story only involves one of the regular charactors yet it truly is a brilliant episode. This episode almost seems to have been made for Colm Meany and I doubt it would have worked as well with another actor.
A small part of this episode has the command staff complaining about the station falling about around them because no one has the same grasp of how the federation and cardassian technology works together as O’Brien.
Truthfully, I didn’t expect to like this episode. I never thought that the idea of a relationship between Dax and Worf was very good but this episode proves me wrong.
The A story in this episode has Dax and Worf sent on a mission to meet a Cardassian agent. When they talk to him he informs them that he wants out and he’ll give them the information he has face to face. As a result Worf and Dax are forced to make their way through an alien jungle to meet this man and get back to the shuttle. Unfortunately Dax is injured in a Jem’Hadar attack and after a while she is forced to stop while Worf goes on with the mission. The problem is that if Worf continues with the mission Dax will die. Everyone knows that Dax isn’t going to die until the last episode of the season (Tears of the Prophets) so the outcome is slightly obvious from the beginning but this still makes for some exciting drama.
The B story sees Dr. Bashir challenge Quark and his associates at Tongo. Quark has won 206 games in a row already and O’Brien and Bashir want to see if Dr. Bashir with his gentically engineered mind can beat him. Quark, however, has some tricks to distract Bashir and it proves interesting to dicover that after all this time Bashir still has a crush on Dax.
Finally after four years in the delta quadrant the Voyager crew finally begin to recive messages from home. Some with good news - Tuvok is a granfather. And some with bad - the maquis had been desimated and Mark has married someone else much to Janeways dismay.
We also get to see the hirogen who were first glimpsed in Message in a Bottle. Tuvok and Seven are kidnapped but they finally manage to escape. The real story in this episode is the crew waiting for messages from home. Unfortunatly Tom Paris never recieves his due to the commuications network being destroyed.
4 1/2 /5
This episode was wonderful. The effects were fantastic especially the part with species 8472 outside of Voyagers hull. However what made this episode was the conflict between Seven and Janeway.
In this episode a stranded member of species 8472 who was stranded in the delta Quadrant after Scorpion part 2 has been chased for months by the Hirogen. Now the battle has come aboard Voyager.

THE Comm-Panel

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