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The Padd - Star Trek book reviews

My Favourite Star Trek books

SEVEN OF NINE by CHRISTIE GOLDEN (cover art by Sonia R. Hillos)
Right from the beginning I enjoyed this book. The characters were spot on and I almost felt as if I was watching a particularly good Star Trek: Voyager episode.
This book begins as Voyager tries to get through an area of space which seems to be filled with red tape. Luckily some friendly aliens come along and help cut through some of the tape. Then Seven begins seeing things and later experiencing the memories of all the people whom she assmilated. Not a plesant experience I would imagine. This book is interesting with lots of suprises. Not the least of which is the chapter where Seven of Nine becomes Annika Hanson.
The remainder of the characters were perfect and each got plenty of things to do. This book isn’t worth missing.
One thing that was sorely missing in this book was Worf. The new chief of security spends the intire novel being told that what she recommends isn’t neccasary. The storyline is unbelievably pridictable in fact I think that I could guess how the next novel begins and ends and the third. There were some interesting parts in this novel and the female Q and Q’s son were welcome additions to the Enterprise.
In this novel the Enterprise-E tries to cross the galatic barrior but for some reason Q and the Calamarain try to stop them. Q takes Picard into Q’s past and after they witness the book ends.... to be continued. I’m still out on whether or not I’ll by the next one.
There is not much in this book that isn’t in the episode but it is a well written book, not suprising considering that it’s written by Diane Carey. The smaller size of this book means that it’s cheeper than usual which is always welcome.
There isn’t much need to write about the story in this book but for those of you who have been hiding in a cave for the past two years here it is. The crew of the Defiant are bring back an Orb from Cardassia and along with it a passenger, a human male who was sranded on Cardassia Prime when the war broke out. Of course this isn’t a human it’s the Klingon Arne Darvin ( The trouble with tribbles) and he uses the orb of time to go back in time and get his revenge on Captain Kirk. The crew of the Defiant (Bashir, Dax, Odo, Worf and Sisko) have to search the USS Enterprise and space station K-7 to find him before it’s too late......
VOYAGER : MAROONED - Christie Golden
The story in this book concerns Kes being kidnapped by a space pirate and the attempts of the crew of Voyager to get her back. It doesn’t sound too promising but the book was much more enjoyable than I expected.
In the beginning the characters seemed to be stuck in their first season personalities and as every Voyager fan knows the characters have changed a lot since then. However as the book progresses so do the characters which is one of the reasons that this book becomes more enjoyable as you read.
The ending is great which suprised me as many Star Trek books seem to have a great story but no ending. And this book provides another piece of evidence to support the theory that Tom Paris can’t go on an away mission without being injured.
STAR TREK: DAY OF HONOUR (4) TREATY’S LAW -Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch
I don’t watch the origional Star Trek series as much as the more recent ones yet I nearly always enjoy the origional series books. This was no exception and provided a good ending to the Day of Honour series.
A lot of this book is taken from a Klingons point of view and this gives an intresting insight into tht warrior race. While many origional series books portray klingons to be nothing but a bunch of barbarians this book shows them as able farmers and a race of peoply with great family loyalty.

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