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The Life of Mr. Misused

Monday, 14 November 2005

Sunset in Paradise
Mood:  special
The sunset at Jughandle State Reserve, the evening of November 14, 2005, is one of the most spectacular visions I've ever been fortunate enough to witness. After staying inside all day long, I noticed the light coming in through the windows was pure gold, and casting some interesting shadows around the living room. An urge to see the sun before it left for the night came over me, and I knew that if I didn't hurry up and put some clothes on and get out the door, I wouldn't see it. After I donned the same garb I'd been wearing for the past few lonesome days, I grabbed a bottle of water, for I had a suspicion I might be away for a little while and might require some refreshment later. Out the door, key locking the house, key unlocking car and igniting the engine, and I'm off, down the road, with a glimpse of sunshine through the trees. Driving along the coastal highway, I noticed there were some pretty marvelous looking clouds in the sky that were going to be changed some amazing colors after the sun sank, but I couldn't take the time to look at them much until I was at my destination, which was still uncertain. Skipped by Russian Gulch, it just didn't seem to be the time for it, so I zipped on over to Jughandle, which I'd only been to once, and that had been months ago, but I had a good feeling about it. In such a rush, I veritably skipped/jogged through the thin amount of trees so I could get into viewing range. Once out of the trees, I found myself in an open field of gold, for the color of the sunshine was already golden, and it was being shone upon dry hay, so it practically glowed with life, even though it was dry and dead. The field of grass, no more than a hundred yards wide, ended right at the edge of a cliff that dropped about 100 feet down to a beach that was mainly comprised of large dark rocks covered in emerald green moss, with a few scattered tidepools. The trail that I was walking on followed right along the edge of this cliff, no more than two feet away from a fatal fall. Large waves were washing into the bay and crashing against those dark rocks with so much force that if you were between the wave and the rock, you'd be crushed like a can. The light of the sun was being cast upon the waves and creating navy blue shadows, that in combination with the backdrop of the clouds catching the golden pink glow, produced one breathtaking sight. It brought up a wellspring of emotions within me so intensely that a leak opened up in my eye that I didn't even bother trying to patch, so strong were the emotions of joy and wonderment. How truly good it is to be alive and able to experience such incredible beauty!!! As I skipped onward towards The Point, I saw that I wasn't the only person out enjoying such an phenomenal sight; there was also a middle-aged woman who was taking photographs while her young daughter and younger son were rolling around and doing carthwheels. Not being able to contain myself, I had to exclaim at how glorious of an evening it was, with which she agreed. Continuing with my walk, I reached The Point. A place where the rock came to a point and then dropped off, allowing you to see both of the bays, the one to the left and the one to the right. The one to left was the one I'd walked by, and was where the sunset was soon to occur. And to the right was the other bay, in which large waves smoothly rolled in to a sandy beach, nestled between the cliffs, with a bridge that spanned the gap behind it. Right above the bridge and the heavy green forest, the moon was rising amongst a netting of pink and purple clouds. To the west, above the ocean, the sky was rich with color, blues and yellows and pinks and oranges and purples, so many wispy clouds that were catching the last light of the sleepy sun, that began to lay its head down against the soft pillow of the ocean, and it slowly settled into bed, its eye becoming a mere slit of gold, before winking out. As the sun slumbered, its dreams began appearing above it in the sky, appearing in the most vivid colors and detail, was a flight of angels winging their way towards the light, to follow the sun and stay in the eternal sunshine. And to the east, the moon was climbing into the sky, higher above the trees now, brighter, and gaining light, as if it were absorbing the rays of the sun until the sun had dwindled away, and leaving the moon fuller and brighter than ever as the sky grew a darker shade of blue with every passing moment. As the sun sank into the sea, a strong wind began to blow in off the ocean, carrying flocks of birds along with it, all flying in the same southerly direction as the sun and the angels. A massive white bank of purple fog appeared, right above the whole horizon, as if the sun sinking into the sea creating a large cloud of steam. Other clouds fluttered across the sky, looking like long white feathers drifting in the wind, left behind from the passing of the angels. As it grew darker, the wind blew harder, coming inland from the ocean, carring a strong chill that almost had a voice, that spoke to you, telling you to run home and go indoors before the cold and dark come to get you. but I had no ears for it. Standing in the midst of the field, I watched the color of the once-pink angels melt away and become grey, and still I watched as the angels themselves dissipated and became mere wisps of my memory, until almost every drop of light had dripped into the ocean. The emotions that had taken a grip on me thirty minutes ago, before the sun had even sank, still had a grip on me. The sky was growing darker, and the moon was growing brighter. Spinning and spinning about in the reflected light of the sun, laughing merrily while I danced with my moonshadow, I realized, as I often do these days, how very blessed I am for being in this place at this time and getting to see such an incredible sight, a sight that no one else was there to witness, for the mother and children had gone well before the light was fading. Since no one else was there to see this sight, I realized it was not only my blessing to be able to experience it, but it is my duty to try and share it with those who were not fortunate enough to be there. Waving goodbye, I left this beautiful space, even though the merest bit of light lingered on the horizon, deciding there's no reason to dwell on the darkness, the death of the light, for it's all part of the cycle that ends and begins in rebirth. Heading home with a wind at my back, a bright moon above my head, and a purpose in my heart.

Posted by la/misusedwords at 9:10 PM CST
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