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The Life of Mr. Misused

Saturday, 14 January 2006

I'm feeling dizzy
Mood:  blue
I'm so tired, tired of everything. The urge to run fills me, to run and run and run until I can't run anymore at all, til my body is so exhausted that I collapse upon the ground in a heap of heaving flesh. I don't know why I'm filled with this desire to run away, to put distance between myself and everything else, for no matter how much distance lies between myself and whatever it is, it will still be there with me, every step of the way. No escape from it, no matter how hard and far I run, it will still be lurking behind me, beside me, inside of my head. How can one get away from oneself? Feeling lost on a daily basis, constantly running around familiar ground that rarely changes. The scenery may change, but it is always the same. Constantly travelling from one spot to another with no end to the trip. Travelling as if I shall find the answer at the destination, but as soon as I arrive I feel that I must leave. Running around in circles with no end in sight. Ever spiralling. Loop de loop de loop de loop. I'm starting to feel dizzy.

Maybe another tromp through the cemetary like last night's might help.

Posted by la/misusedwords at 7:45 PM CST
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