Hey. what is up y'all. My name is Amy. This is my *NSync website dedicated to Lance and the rest of the guys. Well my favorite guy is Lance if you couldn't tell! He is such a hottie with a great body, nice hair, and awesome everything!! One of my friends loves Justin, and one of my friends loves Joey. But Lance, and Justin are taken by me and my friends so step off!!! (Just Kidding!!) I have been to one concert in March and it was so awesome. I had a great time. OK. Now let's get this page started!! Check out my links below. I have pages about all the guys so check them out!!! E-mail me and tell me what y'all think! My addy is lance793@hotmail.com. Please do not take pictures off my page unless you e-mail me and ask me. I will find out so do not try it. Just ask me first!!! Also SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!! I am adding pictures to my page frequently so check back often!! I see a lot of people coming and going from my page and no one is signing my guestbook!!!! Please sign my guestbook!!!! If you want me to put a link to your page on my page please fill out the form below. I will view your website and get back to you! It will increase the traffic to your page if you are on mine!! Join My mailing List!!! hey I want to start a concert review page and a fiction page so send concert reviews and stories to lance793@hotmail.com. Please send me stuff guys. I want to get these started!!!!!!
Hey order from CDnow.com and I will get credit so please order from here!!!! Thanx