Love Poems
True Love...
True love...
Filled with sweet and sorrow...
Nothing you can borrow...
What comes from the heart...
Can't fall apart...
True love lasts forever...
And we'll always be together...
You're the victim...
Theres nothing to fear...
Love is for the best...
Being it's victim is a rest...
Union of Souls...
When two hearts combine...
It's such a bless...
Hoping it will last...
With every petal of a rose...
Love sparkles brighter...
And stands much higher...
Without love...
You may fear...
Being lonley...
Without a heart...
Love is what counts...
For which you live...
Two hearts shall never be apart...
That One Place
The place we met...
Where the sun was shining with love...
Beating down on us...
It told me right there in your eyes...
You were everything I ever dreamt...
The one and only, forever to be...
A kiss in the clouds...
Tears of rose runs down my face...
As I walk to that one place...
What was once filled with love...
and now empty from death...
Looking at the bright blue sky...
As you have been looking into my soul...
I sit myself on the grass...
Where we once made love...
and the river that sparkles with love...
That brought us closer...
I guess you slipped...
Taking your life with you...
While my life follows you...
I faced fate from that day on...
When you left this earth, leaving me behind...
I will be with you again...
No one can stop me...
They can't hear my screams...
Walking into the water...
That was once so warm with the touch...
and now feels like blades going through my body...
I can now feel the coldness...
Letting myself sink...
Leaving the guilt behind...
The waves swallow my shame...
This is it...
That one place...
The place it all ends...
I'm with you again...