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Tour Bus

As you tour the bus, please remember not to touch anything as its very messy and you might have to sort through this twisted arrengment of pictures, information, multimedia, and other junk! Okay enough with the corniness...

Here's something fun, find the hidden text (you can't see it) in this area and cool stuff will happen! You hafta put your mouse over it

Find the hidden text

If you highlight the whole thing, you are a cheater

If you know what's good fer ya, DO NOT CLICK HERE!!!

Here we have the tour bus! Yes, the famous tour bus that has been shown in TV specials, the official video, and you may have even seen it at a concert! I have a few blurry pics of it I took at a concert that aren't very nice to look at but here ya go!

Here we have one picture of the tour bus from the Baton Rouge concert! (Yes, I know its dark and blurry!)

Spotted-outside hotel near Biloxi, Jan. 16, 1999....

The guys' autographs!

OK! I find this pic hilarious and I just feel the urge to express my thoughts!
Lance- Ahhhh! I've got a big blue butt in my face. What tha? Man... Just try to smile...try...ahhhhhh!!!!
JC- Ok...why is everything pretending to scream? Um ok um...I guess I should go along with this right? Um okay....
Chris- Man for once in my life of *N Syncess, I am the only sane one here. Why is everyone screaming? Man, why am i stuck under this tent thing? Dude I am really not happy with this... I'm getting claustrophobic....move outta my way you...
Joey- Haha! I love pictures! Hahaha! Maybe if i squint my eyes hard enough i'll look chinese! lets see if i can ruin the picture! hahaha!!
Justin-(this ones my favorite! It's pretty much beyond words!) Not trying to insult these models..."Ahhhhh!!!! Get that outta my face man, now! Come on! Yuck! Splat! Ick! Be gone! Wassup wit this!?!?

Ain't that a cute one?!

EmAiL mE wItH PiCs Of ThE tOuR bUs Or AnYtHiNg FoR iT!!!