*Chapter 10*

Another month went by and Ali was still in the coma. Her condition had stayed the same, she hadn't gotten any worse, she just wouldn't wake up. Justin passed the time in the hospital by reading to Ali all the time. He read her favorite magazines to her, like Entertainment Weekly, People, and Sports Illustrated, and the entertainment and sports sections out of the newspaper because they were always her favorite. The nurses and doctors were amazed at how devoted Justin was to Ali.

One night Justin sat by Ali's side just watching her sleep. He ran one hand through her dark blonde hair, which was getting long now, and held her hand in his other hand. "Ali, I just wish you could wake up. I miss you. I miss holding you in my arms, I miss kissing your sweet lips, I just miss you. But I'll wait forever for you if I have to. I'll sit here by your side the rest of my life, as long as it means I'll get to be with you. I promise when you get out of this, we're going to be so happy together. You can move to Florida with me. Then I'm gonna take you anywhere you want to go. I think I'll take you to Paris, since you've always wanted to go there. Yeah, we'll be happy Ali, I promise," he said, “I love you Angel Face, good night." He then kissed the tip of her nose and fell asleep by her side.

*Chapter 11*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com