*Chapter 12*

The next morning, Justin woke up by Ali's side and found her already awake. "Morning, Angel Face," he said. "Hey, Curly," she whispered weakly. Just then Dr. Foster walked in, "Morning, guys," he said. "Ali, your parents are on their way back. They should be here sometime this afternoon. So we want to try and get your tests done this morning so you can be with them when they get here," "Okay," she whispered. "The nurses are going to get you ready to take you downstairs for your CAT scan and your MRI on your leg," he continued. She nodded. Justin left to take his shower and get ready while the nurses fussed with Ali.

Justin came back down to the room a little while later to find Ali sitting in a wheelchair ready to go, just waiting for him. He couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. She still had her casts on her arm and leg, and a couple small scars on her face. She was wearing a soft pink robe over her hospital gown. Her now long dark blonde hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Justin noticed her eyes. They'd lost that glow they had before, they looked so sad, it made Justin want to cry. What if she was never the same again?

*Chapter 13*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com