*Chapter 14*

"Mr., Mrs. Madison, I have the test results," Dr. Foster said seriously. "Okay," they said sitting down. Justin walked over to Ali and held her hand, which was shaking. "Well, it seems Ali's not as bad as we originally thought she would be," Dr. Foster started, “She has torn ligaments in her knee, and she's going to need surgery on that and then physical therapy. Her head injuries weren't as extensive as we thought, but she has lost all function in her right hand and arm, which means she'll have to go through some tough physical therapy on that as well to get that movement back. But it seems all memory and everything else is still in tact," he finished. They all sighed a breath of relief. The results weren't too great, but they were alot better than they had expected. "Thanks, Dr. Foster," Mr. Madison said.

"I'm so glad you're going to be okay, Ali. The physical therapy will be hard, but you can do it, you're strong, and I'll be here to help you," Justin said kissing Ali on the cheek.

"It's amazing you didn't lose your memory or anything," Mrs. Madison said. "'Course I didn't lose anything!" Ali said cheerily, “Justin talked to me constantly, and I think it kept my brain working,” she said. "You heard me all that time?" Justin asked in disbelief. "Of course I heard you!" Ali said. "I know the Cubs are having an incredible season, Sammy Sosa is doing awesome, and I also know that Matt Damon's new movie is a smash at the box office this summer," she said happily, very proud of herself. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" Justin said, "I never knew you could hear me all that time!" "Yep, I heard it all. And I'm holding you to that whole Paris thing, buddy!" she said with a smile. "Okay, a promise is a promise," Justin said winking at her.

*Chapter 15*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com