*Chapter 15*

The next day Justin's mom and the rest of the guys of *NSYNC came to see Ali. "Ali, sweetheart, I'm so glad you're okay!" Justin's mom Lynn said hugging Ali. "Thanks for coming up, you really didn't have to," she said. "Oh, it's no problem at all, I wanted to come see you and Justin!" Lynn said, "Justin, I want to tell you about this place I heard about in Orlando, it's a rehabilitation facility, it's one of the top ones in the country. Ali could recover twice as fast if she came there. She could stay with us while she recovers." "Really? What do you think, Ali?" Justin asked. "Well, I don't know, I guess it just depends on what Dr. Foster thinks is best, and of course, it depends on what my parents say," Ali replied. "Well, I already talked to Dr. Foster, and he said he highly recommends this place and thinks it would be very beneficial for you to go there after your knee surgery," Lynn said. "Really? Well then I guess I should go, but it's still up to my parents," Ali replied.

Later that night Mr. and Mrs. Madison were in Ali's room with her. "Mom, Dad?" "Yes?" they answered. "Lynn was telling me about this place in Orlando that specializes in rehab. Dr. Foster highly recommends it, he thinks I should go. I'll recover twice as fast, everyone thinks it's a great idea," Ali said. "Of course they all think it's a great idea, Justin and Lynn get to take you back to Florida with them. There's no way I'm letting them just take you away from me like that," Mrs. Madison said, getting upset. "Daddy?" Ali pleaded to her dad, hoping he'd talk some sense into her mom. "I'm with your mother, I think it would be best if you just stayed here, closer to home," Mr. Madison said. "What? Don't you guys get it? It's not that they're trying to take me away from you, they want me to get better, that's all they care about!" Ali yelled to them, her eyes filling with tears. "Ali, you're working yourself up over nothing," Mr. Madison said. "Get Justin in here, and get out," Ali said. "What?" her mom asked in surprise. "You heard me, I said get Justin in here and get out," Ali said again angrily. Not wanting to upset Ali any more, they agreed.

*Chapter 16*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com