*Chapter 17*

Later that night once Ali was asleep, Justin found her parents in the waiting room. He was nervous about talking to them, but he knew he could do it, he had to do it for Ali, and he already knew what he wanted to say. "Hey, I'm just letting you know that I'm taking Ali to Florida to the rehab center after her knee surgery," Justin said. "What? You're not taking my daughter anywhere," Mrs. Madison said getting angry. "Yes I am. Dr. Foster has signed the forms, her plane ticket is bought, and they're ready for her at the rehab center," Justin said. "But you can't just take her without our permission. That's kidnap," Mrs. Madison said. "She's over 18, it's not kidnap," Justin said. "And she wants to go, she knows it's what's best for her, why can't you see that? And besides, if she stays here for rehab, you two won't even be here. You'll just go off on your business trips and leave her like you have been for the past two months, and you won't even care about her. We might as well take her somewhere that she'll get better faster and she'll get better care," Justin said. He was still nervous, but he meant every word he was saying.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Madison said getting defensive. "I mean that Ali is your daughter, she was counting on you to be there for her all this time, and you weren't. I sat here with her for two months straight. I talked to her, I read to her, I let her know I was here for her, and I told her how much I loved her and that I wouldn't leave her. Where were you this whole time? You were on your business trips, or at work, and you'd call every few days to see how she was doing. You gave up on her, but I couldn't do that, I knew she'd pull through. She depended on me and I didn't let her down. She depended on you too, but you let her down. I feel I have a right to take her to Florida with me. She deserves the best, and this place is the best. I'm taking her whether you like it or not," Justin finished, taking a deep breath. "You can't just take her like this," Mrs. Madison said. "I can, and I will. She will get better there, I just want what's best for her. If you did, you would want her to go to Florida," Justin said. "We want what's best for her, but she'll get better here just as much as she will in Florida," Mr. Madison said. "Well it's not like you can't come see her or that she's staying there forever. We're just taking her there for the rehab. She can come back after that." "I still don't agree with all of this," Mrs. Madison said. "She's going to Florida with me," Justin said and walked away.

He couldn't believe what he just did, but he had to do it for Ali, and he felt relieved after saying what he had said. He'd been wanting to say it for a long time. Ali deserved to have the best, and Justin was going to give it to her.

*Chapter 18*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com