*Chapter 18*

Two days later Ali woke up groggily, with a big headache. "Hey Angel Face," she heard Justin's soothing voice whisper. She opened and closed her eyes a couple times. "Where am I?" she asked confused. "You're in the recovery room, you just had your knee surgery," Justin explained. "My head hurts," she complained. "Well they're about to take you back to your room, I'll have the nurse get you something, okay?" Justin said. "Okay, thanks," Ali said. "We're leaving for Florida in the morning," Justin said. "Really?" Ali asked. "Yeah, your parents still aren't too thrilled with the idea, you know," he said, “You really don't have to go if you don't want to. I feel like I'm forcing you to go," Justin replied sadly. "No Justin, I really want to go. I want to get better so you can start touring and I can start my job at JIVE. I just wish my parents didn't hate me for it," Ali said sadly.

"I know Ali, but once they find out how fast you get better, they'll be glad you went there, trust me," Justin reassured her. "Okay," Ali said before drifting back to sleep.

The next morning Ali and Justin woke up early to go to the airport. Ali was terrified to leave, but she knew she had to. She wanted to get better, and as fast as possible. She felt guilty for keeping Justin and the rest of *NSYNC from touring for so long. She couldn't tell Justin that she felt guilty, though, he had enough on his mind as it was. The flight went well, and they arrived in Orlando to see Justin's family and all of *NSYNC waiting for them.

Ali was bombarded by about 10 people all trying to hug her at once, which was a little tough since she was in a wheelchair. "Guys, guys, calm down, she'll be here for awhile. You'll all get a chance to hug her," Justin said shielding Ali from everyone. "Ali, Ali!" Justin's little brother Jonathan yelled running towards Ali. "Hey buddy!" Ali said happily scooping Jonathan onto her lap.

"Jonathan, careful! Ali's hurt, remember?" Justin scolded Jonathan picking him up from Ali's lap. "Justin, it's okay, he wasn't hurting me," Ali said angrily to Justin. "I know, but you just had surgery yesterday Ali, you have to take it easy. And you just got off the long plane ride," Justin explained. "Justin, I'm fine," Ali said picking Jonathan back up with her one good arm and sitting him on her lap. "How'd ya like to ride on here with me?" she asked him. "Yeah!" he replied happily hugging Ali's neck. "Okay, let's go," she said wheeling away from everyone as Justin just shook his head at her.

*Chapter 19*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com