*Chapter 2*

"Hey Curly, what are you up to?" Ali asked Justin on the phone late Saturday afternoon. "Not much, I just got done packing everything," he replied. "Hey, me too. I've even got alot of my packing for Florida done already," she said. "So you're all done? Why don't you come back tonight?" he asked. "I don't know, Justin. This is one of the first weekends I've been home that my parents aren't on business trips. Maybe I should spend some time with them since I'm going to be leaving for Florida right after graduation." "Please, Ali?" Justin asked, "I miss you so much." "Justin, it's been one day!" "I know, but that's too long away to be away from my Angel Face,” he replied sweetly. "I don't know," she started. "Please, pretty please?" Justin pleaded sounding extremely pathetic. "Maybe, I'll talk to my parents about it." "Okay, thank you. I love you, Angel Face," he said. "I love you too, Curly," she replied hanging up the phone.

"Ah, what the heck?" Ali asked herself, “My parents won't care. And besides, how many times have they left me all alone while they're on business trips? And I want to see Justin. I'll drive up tonight and surprise him." So Ali packed up some stuff and got ready for the three hour drive back to school.

Ali had been driving for about an hour. She hated riding in the car by herself because she got so lonely. She was glad she had her *NSYNC cds to sing along to. It was beginning to get dark now, and Ali couldn't even see the car coming down the opposite side of the highway because they didn't have their lights on. She also couldn't see how they were swerving all over the road because they were drunk. The next thing Ali knew, she saw a car coming straight at her, and there was nothing she could do to avoid it.

*Chapter 3*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com