*Chapter 20*

Ali sighed as she looked out to the water as single tear fell down her cheek. She felt awful for blowing up at Justin earlier, but she had to. He didn't understand how much pain she was going through, he couldn't understand. She knew he was just trying to help, but it made her mad. She was so confused and scared. Her parents hated her, her whole body hurt and ached, and she didn't know if she'd ever walk right again.

Justin parked his car and ran down to the beach. He saw Ali sitting in the sand a ways down the beach. She had her left leg in the brace straightened in front of her with her crutches laying by her side. Her other leg she had pushed up to her chest with her arm around it. Her other arm was in a sling. She was only wearing a tank top and shorts, and it was a chilly night, so she had to be freezing. Justin figured this, so he'd brought her a blanket from his car. He walked up slowly, not wanting to scare her.

"Hey Angel Face," he said quietly once he got to her, "I thought you might be cold out here, so I brought you this," he said holding out the blanket to her. "Thanks," she said not even looking up at him. He sat down next to her and wrapped the blanket around both of them, pulling her close to him. She sighed a deep sigh. "What's wrong?" he asked, figuring it was probably a stupid question once he'd asked it.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "My leg hurts, my arm hurts, my head hurts. I miss my parents and all my friends back home already, and I just got here a few days ago. And I'm..I'm scared," she replied with tears falling down her cheeks. "Oh, my precious angel, hate seeing you like this, it breaks my heart," he said sadly, brushing her long hair with his hand. "I'm sorry," she said looking up at him. "No Ali, it's not your fault. Do you realize how happy I am to have you with me again? All those days sitting by your side with you unconscious, not knowing if you'd ever wake up. What would I have done if I'd never heard I love you from you again, or if I never heard your cute laugh, or seen when you crinkle your nose when you're embarrassed? What if I never got to hold you in my arms like this ever again?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Oh Justin, I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you. All that time I heard you talking to me I wanted to wake up so bad. I wanted to tell you I loved you, I wanted you to hold me in your arms and tell me everything would be okay, but I couldn't," she replied looking into his eyes. "It's okay Ali, you're here with me now, that's all that matters," he said pulling her closer to him. "Yeah," she sighed putting her head back on his shoulder. They sat like that for a long time, not wanting to leave each other's arms. They still had a long road ahead of them, but they knew they'd make it, as long as they had each other.

*Chapter 21*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com