*Chapter 21*

"I'm gonna stay with you today at physical therapy, okay?" Justin asked Ali on the way to the rehab center the next morning. "Yeah, I want you to stay with me. They start work on my arm and hand today, and I know it's gonna be really painful," she said looking out the window. "I know, but you're strong Ali, you can do it," Justin reassured her. "If you say so," Ali said unsurely. "I do say so," Justin replied.

"Ow Justin, ow ow ow, this hurts!" Ali said in-between reps on a machine that was working her arm. "Come on Ali, just a couple more. Come on, for me," Justin said urging her on. Ali took a deep breath and raised her arm a few more times to finish the exercise. "This is the worst thing I've ever had to do," Ali said short of breath. "Nah, remember Peterson's psychology class? Remember how boring it was? And we suffered through a whole year of it, I think that was worse," Justin said laughing a little. "Yeah, that was pretty bad," Ali agreed. "But I'm glad I suffered through it. That's where I met you," Justin said seriously. Ali smiled remembering the first time she met Justin so long ago, "Yeah, I'm glad too," Ali said with a shy smile.

"Okay Ali, since you're right handed, you have to get back all function in that hand. Here, try this exercise, then we're gonna have you feed yourself your lunch right handed. Okay?" the nurse instructed, demonstrating what Ali had to do. "Yeah," she agreed with a frown on her face. "I'm gonna go get your lunch, I'll be back in a minute," the nurse replied walking out the door. "I'm perfectly fine with learning how to be left handed. I can feed myself left handed perfectly fine," Ali said stubbornly once the nurse left. "Ali, don't be so difficult. You're gonna have to learn how to use your right hand eventually, you know," Justin replied. "Come on, I'll help you," Justin offered. "Fine," she said angrily.

"Okay, here you go," the nurse replied happily when she came back in and sat down to help Ali. "I got it, I can help her," Justin offered. "Okay, thanks, I've got a couple other patients to check on," she replied. "No problem," he said as she left. "And our lunch special today, my dear, is.." Justin said in his best French accent as he lifted the lid off the plate. "Ummm, it's..hmmm, it's our famous special, it has no name," Justin said in the accent again, thinking of an excuse. Ali giggled at him, "Is this edible?" she asked, examining the food closely. "I guess so," he said looking it over. "That's not the point, the point is you eating with your right hand, come on, try it," he urged her. She sighed, "Okay."

She took the fork in her right hand and struggled to get a good grip on it. She then scooped up some of the mystery food and tried to lift it up to her mouth. Halfway there she lost her grip and it all fell down the front of her. "I knew I couldn't do it!" Ali said angrily slamming the fork down with tears in her eyes. "Ali, it's okay, we can clean it up," Justin said grabbing a napkin. "That's not it, Justin. I can't do this. I'm sick of this. I just want to be able to walk again and be normal again," Ali cried.

"Ali, you can't give up now. Look how far you've gotten already. I bet when you were in the coma you were thinking how you couldn't come out of it, and you did. I bet you didn't think you could survive the knee surgery, and you did. I bet you didn't think you could survive living with JC and Chris, and so far you've been okay," Justin said with a smile, making Ali crack a small smile. "So you can't give up now. Come on, try it again, I'll help you," Justin said. "Okay," Ali agreed. She took the fork in her hand again, and Justin held onto it with her. He helped her lift her hand up to her mouth, and she grimaced in pain as he moved her arm up. She took a bite of the food and a disgusted look came over her face. "What is this stuff?" she asked with her nose crinkled in disgust. Justin laughed at her, "I have no idea, but ya gotta eat it!" he said laughing, helping her with the next bite.

*Chapter 22*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com