*Chapter 22*

"Yes I'm okay, Mom. Yes it hurts, but they say I'm recovering twice as fast as they expected," Ali said to her mom a month later on the phone. "Okay, I love you too, bye," she said hanging up the phone. Justin was right, Ali's parents had accepted her going to Florida once they found out what great care she was getting there and how fast she was recovering. She flipped on the tv to see MTV News 1515 on. They were doing a story about *N SYNC and Ali's injury, and how it had caused *NSYNC to postpone their tour so long. They interviewed fans who were angry about it, and some that felt bad for Ali. "I was a little disappointed to find out that they were postponing the tour, but I think it's so sweet of Justin to stay with her and help her recover. It makes me love him even more. I just hope Ali gets better soon," one fan stated her opinion. Ali smiled at this, she thought it was nice of the girl. "I don't know why they had to postpone the tour just because of Justin's girlfriend. He shouldn't let his personal life interfere with his professional career. I hated his girlfriend before, but now I hate her even more. I think they should just go back out on tour and let the doctors help her recover," an angry fan said.

Ali sighed and flipped off the tv. After dating Justin for a few years, she was used to fans hating her. It upset her a little that they were mad at her for being hurt, but she couldn't help that. She was bored out of her mind, Lynn and Justin had run off to do some errands, leaving her all alone. She picked up a magazine and started to flip through it.

All of a sudden Lynn and Justin burst through the front door at the same time, causing Ali to jump a little. "Ali, Ali, Ali!" they were yelling at the same time. "Guys, calm down, one at a time!" Ali instructed. "We just got back from the rehab center, we had a meeting with your doctor," Lynn said. "Why did you have an appointment without me?" Ali asked in confusion. "They asked us to come in so they could discuss your recovery with us," Justin explained. "Okay," Ali said still confused. "Anyway, he said you're recovering much better than expected. He said you should be all better in a few week," Lynn said happily. "Really?" Ali asked amazed. "Yeah, but in order for you to be all better in a few weeks, you have to start the hardest part of the rehab now. Are you up to it?" Justin asked. Ali sighed, "It's all been hard, you mean it's going to get even harder?" Ali asked scared. "Yeah, but Ali, you'll be all better. And I will be there by your side every day, I promise," Justin said taking her hand. She sighed again, "Okay," she agreed. "And once you're better, I'm going to take you to Paris like I promised before we go on tour," Justin whispered to her. "Really?" Ali asked happily. "Yeah, so you better work extra hard so your doctor will let you go!" Justin said jokingly. "Okay, I'll work extra hard, I promise. Thank you Justin!" she said happily kissing him.

*Chapter 23*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com