*Chapter 23*

"You're doing great, honey," Justin said sweetly to Ali at rehab. "Okay, you can take a break," a doctor said coming over to check on Ali. Ali sighed as she limped over to a nearby bench. "I'm so tired, Justin," she said laying her head on Justin's shoulder and closing her eyes. "I know you are, but only one more exercise and you're done for the day. And only one more week till you're done for good, and we're off to Paris," Justin whispered into her ear. "Paris," she whispered back happily. "And it's all your fault I'm tired anyway," Ali said giving him a dirty look. "My fault?! What did I do?" he asked. "If someone wouldn't have kept me up all night maybe I would've gotten some sleep," Ali said giving him another mean look. "Oh yeah," Justin said slyly, a small smile forming on his face. Ali just rolled her eyes at him. "Come on, horny boy, let's get back to work!" Ali said getting up and grabbing his hand.

********One week later***********

"So you're sure you have all your medicine and everything you need? And you're going to remember to take it when you're supposed to?" Lynn asked Ali while she helped her pack for Paris. "Yes Mom, I've got everything!" Ali said jokingly. "Well I'm not going to count on Justin to remember and remind you!" Lynn said. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I'll remember, I promise!" Ali said laughing.

"Hey Angel, you ready to go?" Justin asked popping his head in the doorway. "Yeah, I'm almost done packing," Ali replied. "Okay, just come down whenever you're ready, okay?" Justin said kissing Ali on the cheek and walking out of the room. "Oh, he's such a sweetheart!" Lynn gushed. Ali laughed, "Yeah, I'm pretty lucky, huh?" she said dreamily. "You are," Lynn agreed, "Well you'd better get going so you don't miss your plane!" "Yeah, and Justin's probably freaking out!" Ali said grabbing her crutches as Lynn grabbed Ali's luggage.

"Here, let me help you!" Justin said rushing to the stairs to help Ali. "Thanks hun, but I'm okay," Ali said handing the crutches to Justin as she got down the stairs all by herself. "Ali, you amaze me!" Justin said gazing at Ali. She laughed, "I know I do!" she said jokingly. "Well we've gotta get going, we're gonna miss our plane," Justin said. "Okay, call me when you get there," Lynn said hugging them. "We will, bye!" they said walking out to Justin's car.

"Justin, I can't believe we're on our way to Paris," Ali said on the way to the airport. "Me neither. But when I promised it to you I knew we'd make it eventually. I never gave up hope on you, you know," Justin said grabbing Ali's hand. "I know you didn't. And I knew you'd never leave me," Ali said smiling to Justin.

*Chapter 24*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com