*Chapter 24*

"Well, here it is," Justin said opening the door to their suite in Paris. "Wow, it's beautiful," Ali sighed looking around the room in awe. Justin had found an old inn in downtown Paris, it was over 200 years old, and it was extremely beautiful. "It's not half as beautiful as you," Justin whispered into Ali's ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her close. Ali always loved how Justin could say the simplest things that would make her melt. Justin inhaled deeply as he breathed in the scent of Ali’s perfume.

Ali turned around to face Justin. "Okay, no talk of the accident, or my injuries, or my recovery, or anything like that while we're here. I want to get away from all of that, okay?" Ali asked. "You got it," Justin agreed. He then kissed her passionately while leading her to the huge canopy bed.

A couple hours later Justin laid in bed just watching Ali sleep in his arms. She looked so peaceful and almost angelic--she was Justin's angel. Ali's eyes fluttered open slowly. "Hey, Angel Face," Justin said quietly smiling to her and caressing her cheek softly. "Hey Curly," she replied. They just laid there gazing at each other for a few minutes. "Justin?" Ali said breaking the silence. "Yeah?" he answered. "I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you," Ali said softly looking up into Justin's deep blue eyes. "Ali, when I look into your eyes, I get this feeling inside, it's the best feeling in the world. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you," Justin said sincerely looking down to Ali. A small tear fell down Ali's cheek as she smiled her famous shy smile. Justin loved making her so happy.

"Well, you'd better get some sleep, we've got a long day tomorrow," Justin instructed. "Okay," Ali agreed as she closed her eyes slowly. "Oh, and Ali?" Justin replied. "Yeah?" she answered, opening one eye and looking up at him. "I love you, my precious angel," he said smiling. "I love you too, Curly, night," Ali said closing her eyes again. "Good night," Justin whispered softly kissing her forehead.

*Chapter 25*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com