*Chapter 25*

"Now remember to wear something dressy tonight," Justin reminded Ali as she got her stuff ready to take a shower the next afternoon. "I know Justin, you only told me twenty times already!" she said rolling her eyes at him. "Sorry! But tonight has to be perfect!" Justin replied. "Okay, sorry," Ali apologized as she walked into the bathroom.

Justin and Ali had just gotten back from a long day of sight-seeing. They walked around and looked at all the famous Paris sites. Justin's heart started to beat faster as he opened the top drawer of the night stand by the bed. He pulled out a small black box and took a deep breath. "I hope you're ready for this tonight, Ali," he said out loud to himself.

A couple hours later they were both ready for dinner. Ali had on a short black dress and her long hair fell down past her shoulders in soft curls. Justin wore a black suit with a light blue shirt and tie underneath it. "So where are you taking me?" Ali asked once she was ready. "Nowhere," he answered simply. Ali was confused, "So why did I have to get all dressed up?" she asked. "We're gonna stay here and eat, I thought it would be more romantic," Justin answered opening the big doors to the balcony in their room. There was a small candlelit table on the balcony, which overlooked the Eiffel Tower. It was truly a beautiful sight. "Oh Justin," Ali sighed dreamily. "You like?" he asked. "Yes," she said, still staring at the view. "Well, come on," he said pulling her outside.

They sat and ate dinner under the stars, just loving being with each other. "Justin?" Ali asked once dinner was over, as they sat there in silence looking out over the street. "Yes?" he answered. "Thank you," Ali said simply. "For what?" he asked. Ali took a deep breath, "For being there," she said looking him in the eyes, "For sitting with me for two months while I was in the coma, for bringing me to Florida, for taking me to rehab every day. For bringing me here. For everything," she finished. "Ali, you're welcome. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be with you," Justin answered. "I know, but you gave up so much, Justin. You practically cancelled your tour for me, you could've lost so much. You could've lost your career," Ali said seriously. "I know, but it was worth it to be with you. Ali, I love you more than any career I could ever have," Justin said sincerely. Ali was taken aback by this. It was the first time Justin ever said he loved her more than his music or his career. "Really?" she said with tears in her eyes. "Yes," he answered.

"Come on, let's dance," Justin said getting up and pulling Ali up and starting to sing "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You." Ali smiled remembering the first time he ever sang to her, the night they started going out. His voice was so beautiful it gave her goosebumps. "You cold?" Justin stopped and asked. "No, I'm fine," she said as Justin pulled her closer into his arms and she rested her head on his shoulder. They swayed slowly to Justin's voice, and kept swaying even after he was dong singing. They stood there in each other's arms for awhile, just enjoying the moment.

"This is it. I've gotta do it now," Justin told himself as he put his hand in his pocket and fumbled around with a small box. He took a deep breath, his heart was beating so fast. "Ali?" he asked softly. "Yeah?" she said quietly looking up at him. He got out of his embrace with Ali and pulled out the small box. He got down on one knee as he opened the box. Inside was the biggest diamond Ali had ever seen. Justin took another deep breath as he took Ali's left hand in his. "Ali, I love you more than anything in the whole world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Justin started. "Oh my gosh," Ali whispered with tears in her eyes. "Alison Marie Madison, will you marry me?" Justin asked slipping the ring on Ali's finger. Now it was Ali's turn to take a deep breath, “Yes," she said simply, a single tear of happiness falling down her cheek.

Justin smiled his biggest smile ever as he pulled Ali back into his arms for the most passionate, loving kiss they'd ever shared. "I love you Curly," Ali whispered into his ear after they kissed. "And I love you, Angel Face," Justin said back before he kissed Ali again.

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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com