*Chapter 3*

Ali tried to swerve out of the way of the car, but it was impossible. The other car hit Ali's car and it went flying, it rolled over four times before landing in a ditch. As soon as the paramedics got there they found Ali trapped in her car and unconscious. When they finally got her out about a half hour later they rushed her to the nearest hospital.

Justin was sitting in his room watching tv, basically feeling sorry for himself because he wasn't with Ali when the phone rang. "Hello?" he answered. "Justin! Thank God you're there! This is Mrs. Madison, Ali's mom," he heard on the other end of the phone. He could tell something was wrong, something had happened to Ali. "What's wrong? What happened to Ali?!" he asked frantically. "She's been in a car accident. They just rushed her to the hospital unconscious. They're taking her to St. Francis Medical Center," Mrs. Madison answered just as disstressed. Justin couldn't breathe, his whole body went numb. Ali? In a car accident? How could this be? "Oh my God,” he whispered. "I'll be right there, I'm leaving right now," he said. "Okay, we'll meet you there," Mrs. Madison said hanging up her cell phone. Justin grabbed his keys and left for the hour and a half drive to the hospital.

He must've gotten there in record time, making it there in just a half hour. He rushed into the emergency room and ran to the front desk. "Where is she? Where's Alison Madison?" he demanded. "She's in trauma 2, sir. But I'm sorry, you can't go in there. You'll have to take a seat right over there and we'll let you know as soon as there's any information," the receptionist answered. "Okay, thanks," he said quietly, walking to the waiting room.

On his way to the hospital Justin realized Ali was on her way back to school to surprise him. "This is all completely my fault. If I wouldn't have bugged her about coming back to school she never would've gotten in this accident. I can't believe I did this to her," he told himself.

*Chapter 4*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com