*Chapter 4*

Justin sat in the waiting room with Ali's parents worrying for what seemed like forever. Finally a doctor came out to talk to them, “Are you Mr. and Mrs. Madison?" he asked. "Yes we are," they answered. "How is she?" Justin asked, standing up quickly. "And you are?" the doctor asked. "I'm her boyfriend Justin," he replied. "Oh, okay. I'm Dr. Foster. I worked on Alison in the emergency room. I'll be honest with you, it doesn't look good. She has severe head injuries, a broken right leg, a broken left arm, many cuts and bruises, and she's still unconscious."

Justin was too shocked to speak. He still thought he was completely to blame for this. "How serious are the head injuries? Mr. Madison asked. "We won't know for sure until we get her in for some tests. Right now she's not stable enough for any tests. Right now we're just worrying about her making it through the night." Dr. Foster said. "Oh my God," Mrs. Madison said breaking down into tears.

"When can we see her?" Justin asked. "I'm sorry, only immediate family members can see her." "Please? Please let me see my girlfriend if it's the last time I'll get to see her,” Justin pleaded, now on the verge of tears himself. "Justin practically is a part of our family," Mr. Madison said. "Okay, I guess I'll let you," the doctor finally answered. "Thank you so much," Justin said gratefully. "You can go up and see her now if you want, she's in intensive care room 3." "Okay, thanks,” Justin and Ali's parents answered.

Justin and the Madisons made their way up to the intensive care unit. Justin let Ali's parents go in first and be alone with their daughter. They came out about an hour later, Ali's dad had his arm around Mrs. Madison's shoulder, comforting her. "You can go in now, Justin," he said. "Okay, thanks," Justin said quietly walking towards Ali's room slowly. He could never prepare himself for what he'd see when he walked in.

*Chapter 5*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com