*Chapter 5*

Ali's room was dark. She laid in her hospital bed hooked up to numerous machines helping her breathe and monitoring her heart rate. She had cuts and bruises all over her face, and about ten stitches above her right eyebrow. She had a cast on her broken left arm, and her broken right leg was hidden by the covers over her. She had an IV in her right hand giving her medicine to help keep her stable.

Dr. Foster stopped Justin on his way to Ali's room. "Be sure to talk to her," the doctor said. "Huh?" Justin asked in a daze, still in shock of all of this. "Just talk to her as much as possible. She's still in the coma, but you still need to talk to her," he said. "Will she know it's me? Will she hear me?" Justin asked. "We don't know for sure. She might be able to, she might not. But she needs to know you're there for her." "Okay," Justin said walking away.

Justin walked into Ali's room slowly. He hated hospitals, and he was terrified to see her. He broke down into tears as soon as he saw Ali. "Oh my God, Ali!" he yelled running to her. "Ali, this is all my fault, I can't believe I did this to you! You're my Angel, I'm supposed to protect you, I'm not supposed to let anything like this happen to you," he said crying hysterically holding Ali's hand. "I'm so sorry, Ali. When you come out of this I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for all of this. I love you, my precious angel," he said kissing her forehead. "Ali, if you can hear me, if you know I'm here, please give me a sign," he pleaded to her. He then felt Ali squeeze his hand very lightly. It was so light he barely felt it at all. He knew from that moment that she knew he was there for her.

*Chapter 6*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com