*Chapter 6*

Justin fell asleep in the chair next to Ali's bed. He slept there all night holding her hand the entire time. Even the doctors and nurses coming in to check on her didn't disturb him, they knew Ali would want him there by her side.

The bright morning sun shining through the curtains woke Justin the next morning. "Morning, beautiful," Justin said to Ali kissing her on the cheek and running his fingers through her hair. "Looks like you made it through the night, that must be a good sign," he said to her. Just then Ali's parents and Dr. Foster walked in. "Any news?" Justin asked standing up and stretching, the chair he'd slept in was very uncomfortable. "Well, Alison's definitely a fighter, we didn't think she'd make it through the night. But I think a certain young man sleeping by her side may have helped with that," Dr. Foster said. Justin smiled, although he still felt at fault for all of this. "We still don't want to do any tests on her, though. We just want to concentrate on keeping her stable and getting her heart rate back up to normal," he continued, then walked out.

"Justin, why don't you go back to school, take a shower, change your clothes?" Mrs. Madison asked. Justin refused to leave Ali, bu they finally talked him into it. "We'll call you if we hear anything, okay?" she said. "Okay," he replied, still reluctant to go.

*Chapter 7*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com