*Chapter 8*

A couple days later Justin's mom Lynn and the rest of the guys flew up to see Ali. Justin was sitting in Ali's room reading the paper to her, it was something to keep his mind off of all the bad things happening around them. Then Justin heard a knock on the door, "Justin?" he heard his mom say. "Mom!" he exclaimed running to her and hugging her. "Mom, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!" he cried to her. She just held him like she did when he was a little boy and he was upset about something. "Justin, this isn't your fault at all, honey." "Yes it is, Mom! If she wouldn't have been coming to see me she wouldn't have gotten in this accident!" "Justin, these things just happen. It's no one's fault. There's nothing you can do about it," she reassured him rocking him in her arms. He eventually cried himself to sleep.

He woke up when JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey came in to see Ali. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this happened!" Lance said. "I know, and everything was going so perfectly," JC said sadly. "Hey guys, what about the tour? It's supposed to start in a week. I can't leave Ali. Not now. She needs me," Justin said. "We'll talk to Johnny, we'll call off the tour. We'll wait until Ali gets better," Lance said. "No guys, I don't want to ruin it for you. I'm not leaving Ali until she comes out of this, and who knows if she ever will come out of it. I don't want you guys sitting around waiting for me," Justin replied. "Justin, come on. Don't talk like that! Ali's a fighter, she's gonna get better. It wouldn't be the same without you, we couldn't tour without you," Joey said. "But what about the fans? We can't let them down like this!" Justin said. "J, they'll understand. Just listen to us. We're not going on tour without you, and we're not going until Ali is better," Chris demanded. "You guys really mean this?" Justin asked. "Of course we do. We love Ali almost as much as you do!" Lance reassured him. "Okay, if you all say so."

The guys sang to Ali for awhile, she'd always loved it when they did that. Then they all ended up falling asleep in her room. The next morning JC got up to call Johnny and tell him about the tour so he could make a public announcement about it, then they all had to head back to Florida. "Bye guys. I really appreciate you guys coming, I know it meant alot to Ali," Justin said before they left. "No problem. Call us everyday and keep us posted, J," Chris said. "Sure." "You stay here as long as you need to, Justin. And call me everyday too," Lynn said hugging Justin. "Okay," he replied. After a few more goodbyes they were gone.

*Chapter 9*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com