*Chapter 9*

From then on Justin's life was pretty much just living at the hospital with Ali. They let him shower there, and they sent up meals for him. The hospital food wasn't the greatest, but at least it was something. He barely ever left Ali's side, and when he did he played *NSYNC cds on a cd player for her so she'd know he was thinking about her. Her room was full of flowers, balloons, and cards. Justin made sure there were always roses in her room because they were her favorite. He read all the cards to her and told her who the flowers were from. "See, these are from your Aunt Marcie and Uncle Don. These are from JC and his family, here's Lance and his family's. And here's the ones from Lynn and Paul. And this little teddy bear is from Steven and Jonathan. These are from Caitlin and Aaron. And these are from Carrington and Tanya, your best friends from school," he said walking around the room pointing them out to her.

Ali's parents didn't spend as much time at the hospital as Justin did. They were always busy at work during the day, but they usually made it every night to see her. It was hard for them because they lived about an hour away from the hospital. Justin still couldn't understand how they could just abandon her when she needed them the most.

One morning about a month later Justin told the nurses he had to run an errand and had them play *NSYNC for Ali while he was gone. He came back with a small black box. "Hey, Angel Face, I've got something for you," Justin said to Ali as he walked into her room. He opened the box to show a gold ring with a tiny diamond on it. "See, I noticed you lost your promise ring I gave you during the accident. So I wanted to get you another one," he said slipping the ring onto her right ring finer, because she still had the cast on her left arm and hand. "Now I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told you when I gave you the first one. This is just a promise ring, not an engagement ring. It means we're not read to be engaged yet, but when we are, I know you'll be there for me," he said holding her hand and smiling at her. She then squeezed his hand hard, harder than she ever had before. Justin just smiled, he knew she'd pull through.

*Chapter 10*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com