
Ali sighed as she gazed at herself in the mirror. She was trying on her wedding dress at the bridal shop when Caitlin walked out of the dressing room wearing her baby blue bridesmaid dress. "Can you believe by this time tomorrow I'm going to be Mrs. Alison Marie Timberlake?" Ali said dreamily as she spun around in her dress. Caitlin laughed at her, "Yes, Ali, I know. You've only told me 637 times today!" "Sorry, I'm just a little excited," Ali apologized, still in a daze. "Well that's understandable, I mean, you are getting married tomorrow!" Caitlin said with a laugh. Ali squealed with happiness and threw her arms around Caitlin to hug her.


"I'm gonna be married tomorrow JC, MARRIED!" Justin said happily, walking up behind JC and putting his hands on his shoulders. JC tugged at the sleeves of the tuxedo jacket he was trying on, "I know Justin. I AM the best man, I should know," JC replied rolling his eyes, "I hate wearing these things," he complained, pulling on the collar of his shirt. "Me too, but this is for my wedding, JC, my wedding!" Justin exclaimed, walking around JC and looking at himself in the mirror. "I've never seen you this excited to wear a tux before, J," JC said. "I don't think I've ever been so excited about anything before," Justin said with a grin as he adjusted his suit.


It was February 13, the guys had just finished their tour up a week earlier. Once Justin and Ali were engaged, they decided to get married on February 14, their four year anniversary. It was hard to plan the wedding while being on tour, but somehow Justin and Ali had managed it. Ali couldn't remember ever being so stressed out about anything. She had all her work to do for JIVE, and the wedding to plan, so she brought Caitlin on tour to help as a wedding planner. Now the wedding was only a day away and it seemed like everything would go perfectly.

The reaction to the engagement was mixed. Of course all their friends and family were thrilled for the happy couple and wished them the best, but Justin's record company and management team were furious with him. Even though he'd been with Ali for so long, they still didn't think the fans would accept him marrying her, but he simply said he didn't care. He loved Ali and he wanted to be with her, so he was not going to worry about what a few record executives had to say about it.

He also knew he could possibly be risking his whole career by marrying her right now. They'd just gotten done with a huge tour and were going to start a new album once Ali and Justin got back from their honeymoon. If all the fans were still mad at Justin about the marriage by the time the album came out, it could be a flop. Justin thought of when two of the Backstreet Boys got married, their album was still a success. He knew his fans were loyal, so he hoped there wouldn't be any problems.

After Ali's accident, Justin knew he shouldn't take take anything for granted, especially Ali. He wanted to be with her, and for the rest of his life.


"So how is the future Mrs. Justin Timberlake doing?" Justin asked, wrapping his arms around Ali and pulling her in for a long kiss before they started the wedding rehearsal later that night. "I'm doing great now," she said dreamily when she pulled away from the kiss. "Man, are they always gonna be like this?" JC asked exasperated. "I hope not," Caitlin whined. "Come on, lovebirds, time to start the rehearsal," JC said pulling Justin away from Ali as Caitlin pulled on Ali's arm.


"This is it, Ali," Caitlin said grabbing Ali's hand. They stood by the back doors of the church, right as the wedding was about to start. Ali looked to her nervously and took a deep breath. Caitlin giggled at her nervousness, "You gonna be okay?" Ali nodded slowly, "Yeah, I'm fine." Caitlin laughed a little bit again before hugging Ali, "It's my turn, I've gotta go, but good luck," she said before turning around and putting her arm in JC's as they got ready to walk down the aisle as the best man and maid of honor.

Ali turned to her dad when he walked to her side, "You look so beautiful, Alison," he said, getting choked up. "Thanks, Daddy," Ali said, tears forming in her eyes, "Looks like it's time." Ali's father nodded and started walking down the aisle with her.


Justin's breath caught in his throat when he saw Ali walking towards him down the aisle. She looked more beautiful than he could've ever imagined. Her gown was a bright white, the top was tight fitting with small beads to make it look sparkly, and the bottom poofed out really big all around her. Her veil looked like a tiny, sparkly tiara on top of her head with the veil going down to the middle of her back. The front part of her hair was pulled up and the back of it fell past her shoulders in soft curls. In her hands she carried a big bouquet of bright red roses, her favorite.

Ali couldn't take her eyes off Justin as she walked towards him. He had on a classic black tuxedo and his light brown hair was curly as ever. She could see his bright blue eyes sparkling and he had a big smile on his face as she smiled at him shyly.

Ali and her father finally made it to the front of the church. "I love you, Alison," her dad said hugging her lightly, "I love you too, Daddy," Ali said kissing his cheek. She turned to Justin and he smiled at her and took her hand as the ceremony started.


The ceremony was going smoothly and it was soon time for the vows to be said. Ali turned to Justin and took one of his hands in hers, "When I went to write these vows I didn't know what to say. I don't think I could ever thank you for everything you've ever done for me. You've stuck with me and stayed with me through thick and thin, no matter what. You've risked so much just so we could be together, and it means the world to me. I love you more and more everyday, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Curly," Ali finished with a shy smile, using the nickname she always used for Justin.

Justin grinned at Ali and squeezed her hand when he started, "My little Angel, I can't even tell you how much I love you. I loved you the first second I saw you four years ago in that psychology class. Somehow I always knew that someday we'd end up here, on the altar together. Everything I've sacrificed for us to be together was worth it, and I'd do it all again in a second for you. With everything we've been through, all the tough times, I knew we'd always end up together, because I know you're my soul mate," Justin finished with tears in his eyes. He reached up to brush away a couple tears that had fallen from Ali's eyes before kissing her softly.

***********Two years later**************

"Ali, we're gonna be late for your appointment," Justin said rushing to the front door. "I heard you, Justin, sorry if I've been moving a little slower lately, I am carrying an extra person with me if you've forgotten," Ali said angrily as she grabbed her purse and walked slowly to the door. Justin had to chuckle at her, and that made her even more angry.

Ali was five months pregnant with their first baby and she or Justin couldn't be more excited, even though on this particular afternoon it was a little hard to see their excitement. "You think this is funny?" Ali asked angrily, walking up to Justin as he held the door open for her. He tried to stop laughing but couldn't, "You're so cute when you're mad," he said between laughs. Ali sighed loudly, "And I'm even cuter carrying this extra twenty pounds." Justin wrapped placed his hands on her stomach and smiled, "Yes you are," he said with a smile.

Ali sighed again and ran a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Justin," she said before kissing him quickly. Justin smiled and leaned his forehead against hers, "I don't think I like these mood swings," he replied. Ali laughed lightly, "Too bad, Curly," she said simply before kissing him again.

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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com