*Chapter 1*

"Yes, it's hot down here Mom," Ali said to her mom over the telephone, getting a little frustrated with her. "Yes I'll be sure not to get too much sun, and yes, I've still got plenty of money left. Okay, I've gotta go Mom. Yeah, I love you too. Bye!" she said hanging up the phone. "Miss your mommy?" Ali heard Justin reply teasingly. "Hey Curly, you used to call your mom everyday when you were on tour. And my mom just wanted to know how I was doing," she defended herself. Ali was the only person Justin let call him Curly. "I know, I'm just messin' with ya, Angel Face,” Justin replied wrapping his arms around Ali and pulling her to him for a kiss.

Ali and Justin had only been together a couple of months, but it had seemed like it had been forever. They were at Justin's house in Orlando for spring break. Ali loved meeting Justin's family. She fit in with them perfectly and they all adored her. They had just gotten back from Disney World. "Hey, I've gotta go, I promised Johnny and the guys I'd meet them at 6. We've gotta finish plans for this summer's tour," Justin replied looking at his watch. "Okay, just hurry back!" she said, pulling him in for another kiss. "I will, I want to spend every extra second with you. Love you, bye!" he said walking out to his Mercedes. "Okay, I love you too!" Ali said smiling to herself watching him pull out of the driveway.

Ali couldn't believe how lucky she was. She'd been in love with Justin ever since she saw him with *NSYNC for the first time, but that was more like a teenybopper crush. She really fell in love with him this past fall when she met him at college. They started out as best friends, but couldn't help but confess their feelings for each other on Valentine's Day. Since then they had the perfect relationship. They were still best friends, only alot closer now. Of course, word got out to the fans that Justin Timberlake had a girlfriend, and suddenly millions of girls despised Ali. But she didn't care, she had the perfect guy.

Justin couldn't help but think about how much he loved Ali on the way to Johnny's office. He was happy to actually be in a real, serious relationship. He fell in love with her from the second he saw her. He knew they were perfect for each other from the start. She made him so happy, and gave him a nice break from being famous for awhile, which he really needed. And she saw him beyond the fame of *NSYNC. He felt she was truly his angel, which he always told her. And he was so glad the rest of the guys of *NSYNC loved her too when they had met her a couple days ago. He thought he had the perfect girl.

*Chapter 2*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com