*Chapter 11*

A few days later Ali went home. She never really discussed the whole JC thing with Justin. She could talk to him a little more now, but things were still awkward. When she got home she actually did start to feel alot better, even though she knew that deep down she'd always love Justin.

She was getting ready to go out with some friends one night when Chris called. "Hey, we're coming to Chicago next Saturday, you want to come to the show?" he asked. "Um, sure, why not?" she answered. "Okay, I think we'll get into town late Friday night." "all right, I'll come early Saturday morning, is that okay?" she asked. "Yeah, sure. Hey, how about you come straight to the arena and meet us there about 10?" he asked. "Okay, I can't wait to see ya, Christopher!"

The next Saturday Ali got up early and made her way to Chicago. When she got to Rosemont Horizon she saw all the guys waiting on stage for her and they all said their hellos. "Hey, hey, hey, sit down! We want to sing for you!" Chris exclaimed jumping up and down like a five year old. "Okay," Ali said, giving him a strange look. The opening notes to 'I Drive Myself Crazy' came on. Ali laughed while Chris serenaded her very dramatically during the first verse. Then came the second verse, Justin's verse. Ali looked to the ground when Justin stood in front of her and started singing, but he lifted her chin up gently and made her look him in the eye. "I was such a fool," he started singing, "You confessed your love, and dying devotion, I confessed my need to be free," he sang with his beautiful voice. Tears slowly started to fall down Ali's cheeks. When the song was over Justin walked up to her and took her hands. "I'm sorry, Ali. I was so stupid to ever let you go. I don't know if I'll ever get another chance with you, but I still love you. You're my angel," he said, tears falling down his face. "I love you too, Curly," she said quietly. He took her in his arms and kissed her, and neither one of them had never been so happy before. Justin had his Angel back, and Ali had her Curly.

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