*Chapter 2*

"I can't believe you're leaving for three months!" Ali whined to Justin. They were back at school now and everyone was heading home for the summer in a couple of days, but Justin was going on tour with *NSYNC for the summer. "I know sweetie, but it'll fly by, I promise. And remember you can come visit as much as you want, the guys would love to see you again," Justin said reassuringly trying to make her feel better. "I know, but I'm gonna be working back home, and I could really use the money for tuition next year. I'm not gonna be able to get away that much," Ali replied sadly. "Okay, but I'm sure you'll be able to get away for just a week." "Yeah, I guess so," she said, only feeling a little better.

When Justin finally did leave it was extremely hard for Ali. Friends and family tried to keep her mind off Justin as much as possible, but it was too hard. He called almost everyday. "Hey Angel, I've got great news!" Justin exclaimed over the phone one night. "What?!" Ali asked excitedly. "I talked to Johnny and Lou today and they said if you want to fly to New York next week and meet us there, you can stay and tour with us till we get to Chicago, then you can go home from there. It'll probably be a couple of weeks," Justin said. "Really?! That would be so awesome! And it would be great experience seeing everything that goes on in the music business!" Ali exclaimed. She was studying to be a manager in the music business. "I know, Johnny said he could talk to you about managing and he could help you out. But the best part is I'll get to see you again, this has been the worst month of my life not being with you. I miss you, my precious Angel," Justin replied sincerely. "I know, me too. I can't wait to see you, Curly!" she exclaimed.

So it was set, Ali would fly to New York next week and meet up with the guys. Then she'd tour with them and make her way back to Chicago. She couldn't wait to see her Curly again, and the rest of the guys.

*Chapter 3*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com