*Chpater 4*

Ali knocked on Justin's door promptly at eight on Valentine's Day. Justin told her the dress was formal, so she wore her favorite little black dress, and her roommate Caitlin did her hair for her. She looked perfect. Ali was surprised to see Justin wearing a tux when he opened the door. "Happy Anniversary, Angel Face! You look beautiful!" Justin said when he opened the door. "You don't look so bad yourself there, Curly!" she replied. Justin handed her a dozen long-stemmed red roses, her favorite. "One for each magical month I've spent with you," Justin said. "Thank you, they're beautiful!" she replied, kissing him. He led her to a candle-lit table where the spaghetti, all he could cook, was ready to eat. They enjoyed the dinner and afterwards they danced while Justin sang to her.

The next morning Ali woke up in Justin's arms. She looked up at him and noticed he was looking down at her smiling. "Morning," she said. "Morning," he said kissing her forehead. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I've just been watching you sleep for about a half hour now. You looked so peaceful and angelic, and I realized how truly in love I am with you," he replied softly. "I love you too. I don't know how you think of these things to say that make me want to cry!" "What can I say? I'm just a romantic guy!" he said crinkling his nose. "Yes you are," she said kissing him.

Ali and Justin's relationship couldn't be better, but Justin would soon do something that would change Ali's life forever.

*Chapter 5*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com