*Chapter 6*

"I need to be free." Those words rang through Ali's head, even a month after they were said. She'd been home for a few weeks now, and she'd never been so depressed in her whole life. She didn't want to do anything, she didn't want to talk to anyone, and she couldn't eat. She'd lost twenty pounds since Justin broke up with her. She felt so alone, like no one would ever love her again. She just sat in her room and listened to her *NSYNC cds and cried. She longed for when Justin sang to her and still loved her.

She was sitting in her room one night when Chris called. "Hey beautiful! We were wondering if you wanted to come on tour with us again this summer. We loved having you last year!" "I don't know Chris. I don't think I could handle being around Justin," Ali replied. "Come on, you're gonna have to face each other eventually. You don't think you're gonna get rid of us that easily, do ya?" Chris asked. Ali thought the trip might be good for her, hopefully her and Justin could get some closure. "Okay," Ali finally agreed. "Yay! She's gonna come with us!" he exclaimed right when JC took the phone from him. "Hey, I'm really glad you're gonna be coming with us. I haven't seen ya for awhile, it'll give us time to catch up," JC said sincerely. "Yeah, I think it'll be good for me," Ali replied. She was looking forward to the trip, and she actually cheered up a little bit.

Next week Ali arrived safely at the airport in New York. "Ali!!!" was all she heard as soon as she stepped off the plane. Suddenly four guys bombarded her and almost knocked her over. For the first time in weeks, Ali actually smiled and seemed happy. JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey had heard how unhappy Ali had been, and they were determined to cheer her up as much as possible while she was with them.

Ali immediately noticed Justin wasn't even there and her smile quickly turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" asked Lance. "Where's Justin?" she asked quietly. "Um, well, uh..." Lance stammered. She noticed all the guys had funny looks on their faces. "He went out for lunch with some girl he met at the concert last night," Chris finally answered. "Oh, okay," Ali replied, feeling her heart break yet again. "Hey, speaking of lunch, I'm famished. Where should we go eat?" JC said trying to change the subject. "I don't care," Ali replied, determined to cheer up and not worry about Justin being with another girl.

Later that night Ali and the guys were back on the tour bus making their way to the next city. Ali had only seen Justin for a couple seconds earlier, and all he said was a quick hi. She just wished that things weren't so uncomfortable between them.

*Chapter 7*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com