*Chapter 7*

Ali had stayed up late talking to the guys, except Justin, and they all decided to go to bed except JC. He and Ali stayed up and talked about past relationships and stuff like that. "So I guess you're taking this Justin thing pretty hard, huh?" JC asked. "Yeah, it was such a shock. It would have been easier if we had been having problems, but we were perfectly fine. I just couldn't believe it, I still can't," Ali answered, holding back tears. "Yeah, it's okay, I understand," JC said sincerely, putting his arm around her. "It's just so hard when you have someone for such a long time, and they love you so much, and then all of a sudden it's like they don't love you anymore, and they're out of your life just like that," Ali said. She noticed hers and JC's faces moving closer together slowly. She continued, "You just get so..." "Lonely," JC finished for her. Their lips were almost meeting now. "Yeah," she whispered right as she fell into a passionate kiss with JC. When they both pulled away JC said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." "No, no, it's okay. In fact, I kinda liked it," she replied smiling. "Oh really?" JC said smiling back. "Well, I'd better be getting to bed, I've gotta get up early tomorrow," JC replied. "Yeah, me too. Good night," Ali said. "Good night, sweet dreams!" JC replied.

Ali couldn't believe what she'd just done. But if Justin could go out with girls he barely knew from concerts, why couldn't she be happy too? But why did it have to be with one of Justin's best friends?

*Chapter 8*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com