*Chapter 8*

The next day Ali woke up in a hotel room in Philadelphia. She didn't even remember getting up in the night and going to the hotel. Joey explained it all to her saying that she'd looked so peaceful sleeping that they didn't want to wake her, so JC carried her up to her room.

"Hey, thanks for not waking me last night and carrying me to bed, that was really sweet," Ali said to JC as soon as she saw him. "Hey, no problem. You got plans tonight?" he asked. "No, why?" "How would you like to have dinner after the show? It could be our first official date, if you think you're ready," he replied. "Definitely. If Justin's ready to date again, why shouldn't I be?" she answered. "Okay, if you say so. I'll meet you back here at the hotel an hour after the show." "Okay, great!" Ali replied.

She was lying to herself, and to JC. She really wasn't ready to date again at all, but it was the only thing she could think of to get her mind off Justin. And she liked all the attention she was getting from JC. She just loved being loved again.

That night after the concert JC and Ali went back to the hotel to change. Ali wore a short lavender skirt with pink flowers on it and a white tank top. JC looked good in a plaid button-up shirt and khakis. "So where do you want to eat?" Ali asked as they walked out the back entrance of the hotel. "Well, I'm dying for Chinese. I haven't had it for a couple of weeks," JC answered. "Well then we'll just have to have that!" Ali joked. They had a great dinner, they talked the entire time. Ali noticed how easy JC was to talk to, and JC loved how sweet and innocent Ali was.

After dinner they decided to go for a walk. While they were walking JC slipped his hand into Ali's. She smiled at him, it felt nice to have someone hold her hand again. "Ali, I've got a confession to make,” JC started, "I've had a slight crush on you ever since I met you." "Really?" Ali asked surprised. "Yeah, I was always a bit jealous of Justin for finding such a great girl like you," JC answered, feeling a little embarrassed. "JC, that's so sweet," Ali said blushing. They stopped walking. "Ali, will you dance with me?" JC asked. She looked around. "But there's no music!" she said, looking confused. "Not yet," he said smiling before he started singing 'Sailing'. "Okay," she said. They wrapped their arms around each other and danced under the moonlight to JC's beautiful voice. When the song was over she looked into JC's eyes and just kissed him. They both felt a twinge of guilt, but ignored it.

That night in bed Ali thought about JC and Justin and how confused and scared she was. Justin didn't know Ali and JC went out on a date because he'd gone out with another girl from the concert that night. She was so scared to get hurt again, and things were going so fast with JC, she didn’t know what to do.

*Chapter 9*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com