*Chapter 10*

“How can you possibly say Cori is better than Gina?” Julia asked as she looked at JC in disbelief. JC looked back at her with the same look of disbelief, “Hello?! It’s Liv Tyler!” he exclaimed and Julia rolled her eyes at him. They were watching ‘Empire Records’ and arguing over which of the main girl characters was better. Julia ate a piece of popcorn before saying, “Well whatever, but Lucas is definetly the best of all of them.” JC took a sip of his pop nodding his head, “I will have to agree with you there,” he replied. “Damn the man!” he yelled out, imitating Lucas’ catch phrase of the movie.

Julia giggled at him and threw a piece of popcorn at him, “You’re such a nerd,” she said still giggling. JC looked up at her from where he’d been putting his pop can down and dropped his mouth open. “Me? A nerd?!” he asked placing a hand on his chest for the effect, leaving his mouth hanging open. “Yes, you!” Julia said with another laugh before throwing a piece of popcorn towards his open mouth, but she missed and hit him in the eye.

JC grabbed his eye, “You poked my eye out!” he exclaimed. “I did not, you baby,” Julia replied throwing another piece of popcorn at him. “Well we’ll see how you like it,” he said scooting closer to where she was sitting on the couch and reaching for the huge bowl of popcorn she held in her lap. “No! Get away!” she exclaimed when she saw his movement.

JC continued to scoot closer and he had a devilish look in his eyes that made Julia nervous. “Come on Jules, I just wanted some more popcorn,” he said innocently. Julia stared at him for a second, “all right,” she said offering the bowl to him. He grabbed the bowl and grabbed a handful of popcorn and started to raise it to his mouth, “Wrong move, Jules,” he said before throwing the handful at her. “JC!” she exclaimed trying to wipe it off of herself, but he was already throwing more at her by the handfuls.

Julia lunged towards him and the bowl of popcorn and grabbed her own handful and threw it at him. Soon they were wrestling on the couch for the bowl which was quickly becoming more and more empty. Their hands were a buttery messes and soon they just started wiping the grease on each other’s faces. Julia was on top of JC just about to smear some grease on his face when he quickly flipped her over and pinned her on the couch.

They were both breathing hard from their struggles but neither one of them could help but notice how close their bodies were. JC placed his forearms by her shoulders to support himself and to keep from crushing her small frame. Once their breathing had calmed down JC looked down to Julia’s face and examined it closely. There was buttery grease smeared across her forehead and there were a few strands of hair stuck in it. He reached a hand up to gently wipe them away. Julia sighed softly; his touch was so soft she could barely even feel it at all but it still took her breath away. His eyes wandered down to her eyes, which were still sparkling with mischief but he could also see her nervousness in them too. His eyes continued their way down as he looked at her cute little nose then they stopped on her lips.

He took a deep breath as he continued to stare at her lips, like they were captivating him. Some of her glittery lip gloss was still on them from earlier and they were parted slightly as she awaited his next move. Julia kept her eyes on his as he just continued to stare at her lips. She opened them a little bit more and licked them slowly out of nervousness, not knowing it would drive JC crazy.

JC watched as Julia parted her lips a little more and her tongue came out slowly to lick her lips ever so slowly, like she was torturing him. His eyes still didn’t leave her lips as she bit her bottom lip a little bit then closed her mouth, swallowed hard, and parted her lips slightly again.

He pried his eyes away from her lips slowly and was afraid to look her in the eye so he looked to her hair and noticed a piece of popcorn stuck to some hair near her ear. He looked into her eyes quickly before lowering his head slowly. Julia noticed this and her breathing quickened immediately and she thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest. JC turned his head and bit into the piece of popcorn in her hair and pulled it out with his teeth before chewing and swallowing it slowly but leaving his mouth near her ear.

Julia tried to look out the corner of her eye to see what he was doing but she couldn’t tell, all she could see was the side of his head. She inhaled sharply and held her breath when she felt JC’s lips kissing her earlobe softly. Julia closed her eyes and tried to breathe as JC’s lips made their way across her jaw line. When he got to her chin he kissed it and moved his mouth over hers. Julia opened her eyes when she felt his hot breath on her mouth. Her bright green eyes instantly met his bright blue ones and it was as if he was asking her if this was all okay. All she could manage to do was stare back into his eyes and nod her head a couple times slowly.

Before she could close her eyes all the way, JC’s lips were on hers. He started off slowly and softly, just trying to get a taste of every single little bit of her lips. Julia just followed his lead with her lips and reached her hands up around his neck and let her fingertips tickle the back of his neck slightly. He let his arms fall fall by her shoulders, moving his body even closer to hers, so they were now completely pressed together. Soon JC’s lips pressed against Julia’s with more pressure and she opened her mouth slightly. Their mouths both tasted like salt and butter from the popcorn, which made the situation even better.

A few minutes later JC pulled away slowly and kept his mouth close to hers. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly one more time before pulling away. They both kept their eyes closed as they tried to catch their breath. JC’s eyes opened the same time as Julia’s and she looked up at him with a fearful look in her eyes. He noticed it and smiled at her to show her everything was okay. He got up off of her slowly and sat down by her legs. Julia sat up too and scooted close to him.

JC didn’t say anything, just kept his eyes focused on the movie so Julia looked at him out of the corner of her eye and noticed his swollen lips as a smile slowly formed on her face. “I think I know why I like Liv Tyler so much,” he said keeping his eyes on the movie. “Why?” Julia asked looking at him cautiously. JC turned to her and gave her a playful smile, “It’s her lips, I’ve always been a lip guy,” he said turning back to the movie. Julia looked at him with a smirk as her fingers lightly grazed her own swollen lips.

*Chapter 11*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com