*Chapter 11*

“Oh my God Morgan, it was so amazing. I can’t even explain it. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for that to happen?” Julia asked into the phone, plopping onto her bed. “Oh my gosh, I couldn’t be more excited for you, girl. You know you’re gonna have to give me more details when you’re through the giddy stage,” Morgan replied. “I don’t think I’ll ever be through the giddy stage,” Julia replied with a small laugh before turning serious again, “When he just stared into my eyes...just...ahh,” she said with a sigh. Morgan giggled at her on the other end of the phone, “You are definitely giddy. I bet Empire Records is your favorite movie now.” “Oh yeah,” Julia replied with a laugh.

“Have you seen him or talked to him about it?” Morgan asked. “No, he was still asleep when I left for school this morning and I think all the guys are at the studio now,” Julia replied twirling a strand of hair with her finger. Just then there was a soft knock her bedroom door. “Julia? Are you in there?” she heard JC’s voice ask quietly. “Oh my gosh, that’s him, I gotta go!” Julia whispered quickly. “Okay, good luck, and remember I want details!” Morgan said. “Details, okay. Bye!” Julia said before hanging up and jumping off the bed.

She opened the door slowly to see JC on the other side, leaning against the doorway. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a tight dark orange tank top and Julia almost sighed when she saw him. “Sorry, I was talking to Morgan on the phone,” Julia apologized, her soft southern accent coming out. JC smiled to her and chuckled a little, “I can tell, your accent always comes out after you talk to her and you hear hers,” he said stepping into the room when Julia opened the door wider for him. “It does not!” she defended herself, but her soft southern drawl was evident.

“Does too!” JC retorted, leaning closer towards her. “Does not!” she said back, not realizing she was backing up towards the bed. A second later she fell back onto the bed and since JC had been leaning towards her he toppled on top of her. “We keep finding ourselves in this situation, huh?” Julia said laughing a little to try and calm her sudden nervousness. “Yes we do, sorry,” JC replied getting up off of her carefully and sitting next to her on the bed.

“It’s okay,” Julia replied giving him a shy smile. JC couldn’t help but smile back at her, for some reason he’d been smiling around her alot more lately. He looked into her eyes and they were full of hope and her face seemed to be glowing with happiness. JC coughed nervously when he realized he’d been staring at her, “I um..I came up here to talk about yesterday,” he said looking down to his hands. Julia nodded slowly, she knew he’d have to come talk to her about it, he couldn’t just leave something like what had happened open and never mention it again.

JC ran a hand through his hair, “I don’t know if I should apologize or what. I guess I was caught up in the moment,” he stuttered. Julia grabbed his hand, “JC you don’t have to apologize, it was just a kiss,” she said. JC looked up at her with a surprised expression, “Just a kiss? That was more than a kiss, Jules...that was...it...was...nevermind,” he stopped in mid sentence. Julia had to smile at how flustered he was getting. He was usually so smooth with his words, and now she, Julia Bass, actually had JC Chasez tongue-tied.

“Okay, so it was more than a kiss...it was pretty...amazing,” Julia blurted out and JC’s head flew up quickly to look at her. “Okay, I said it, that kiss was amazing, JC,” she said covering her face trying to hide the blush that took over her cheeks. JC laughed lightly at her, “Amazing pretty much sums it up,” he agreed. Julia’s hand slowly fell from her face when she heard him. “Really?” she asked hopefully.

“Yeah,” he answered, and now he looked down in embarrassment. Julia smiled and looked down to his hand that she held in her smaller one. “I don’t know what’s going on here, Jules,” JC said still looking down. “What do you mean?” “I mean, you’re Lance’s little sister. I’m not supposed to go around kissing you and liking it that much,” he said softly. He lifted his face slowly to meet hers and he smiled at her shyly and blushed. Julia smiled back at how adorably shy he was being. “You really liked it that much?” she asked, getting up the courage to move her face a little closer to his.

“Yeah,” JC replied, his voice coming out a little shaky. “And you’re scared,” Julia stated, looking him in the eye as their faces inched closer together. All he could do was nod slowly. “I’m scared too,” she whispered when their lips were almost touching. Julia saw him close his eyes so she closed the small space between their lips and kissed him softly. He repositioned himself so he was sitting in front of her and she felt him grip her hand tighter. She ran her free hand up his bare arm and felt goose bumps on it. She let her hand rest around his neck. He reached his free hand up and played with her hair gently.

Their kiss last night had been all about passion and getting caught up in the moment, but this one was more soft and had more feeling. Their fingers were still entwined tightly as they explored each other’s mouths slowly. Julia leaned in closer with more pressure and JC responded. They were both confused and scared, and right then their actions were expressing their feelings more than any words ever could.


JC sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he turned the shower on and waited for the water to get hot. He thought he should maybe take a cold shower after leaving Julia's room. The kiss ended and they both looked at each other shyly before JC kissed her softly one more time and left without saying anything. He had so many feelings and emotions running through him that he couldn't think straight, much less talk to Julia about them.

"This is Lance's little sister, little Jules, the one you've seen grow up since she was 12," he whispered to himself as he pulled his clothes off and stepped into the shower. "And how nicely she's grown up," he thought to himself as the hot water beat down onto his body. "Ahh, stop thinking like this," he said hitting himself in the head lightly. "I gotta figure out what I'm doing here, I gotta talk to her," he whispered.


Julia was sitting on her window seat writing in her journal by the moonlight later that night when she heard a soft knock on her door. "Just a second," she called, putting her journal away in her desk drawer. "All right, come in," she said sitting back down on the window seat. JC opened the door and walked in slowly. He saw Julia sitting by the window in pajama pants and a tank top and the moonlight was shining down on her, lighting up her face.

Julia couldn't help but smile softly when she saw him. He was wearing long black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt and socks and he couldn't look better if he tried. He padded across the carpet and sat down next to her on the window seat, "I had to come talk to you again, Jules. I didn't get much accomplished earlier," he said with a small laugh. Julia giggled back at him softly as a blush covered her face.

"Okay, so talk," she said pulling her feet up on the seat and leaning against the wall behind her. "Well me and Rey just broke up two days ago. And I've been kissing you alot more the past two days," he started, looking out the window. Julia's heart sank as she realized what he was saying. "So I'm kind of a rebound? Because I'm here and because you're sad and lonely and confused?" she asked softly as tears formed in her eyes.

JC looked over to her quickly, "No, that's not what I'm saying at all, Jules," he said grabbing her hands and looking her in the eye. "What I'm saying is, I kind of need to get over this Rey thing. And I care about you alot, and I don't want to hurt you," he said. Julia's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, she didn't really understand what he was saying. "I'm not making any sense, I know, but I'm so confused. My head is a total mess right now; I went from being totally in love with Rey, to being totally heartbroken, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, come these feelings for you," he said looking up to her tear-filled eyes. One tear spilled out and he reached up to wipe it away gently with his thumb.

He took a deep breath before continuing, "What I guess I'm saying is that I care about you alot. And whatever this is that's going on with us, I want to take it slow," he said quietly. "Slow...I can do slow," Julia whispered. JC smiled at how cute she was, "Okay, is it all cleared up for now?" he asked. "Yeah," she replied. He smiled at her again and kissed her hands he was holding before standing up. "Goodnight, Jules," he said leaning over and kissing the top of her head. "Night, Josh," she whispered as she watched him leave.

*Chapter 12*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com